Well, I was forcing him into this. "Just do your best. It's alright if you can't keep up."

"Alright, sit tight!"

The taxi driver then stepped on the gear and the clutch. He turned the steering wheel and rushed out in a flash.

I was thrown backwards due to the inertia and bumped onto the seat. I wouldn't have managed to stabilize myself if I hadn't reacted so quickly. This man was an excellent driver!

We were quite lucky today. We followed the path that Hendrix took. After passing a couple of streets, we noticed that his car was stuck in traffic at an intersection.

"Sir, drive on the next lane, but don't follow him too closely." Hendrix was always careful. So if I wasn't careful myself, I would be caught easily.


We were staying about two cars away from Hendrix. After driving for another twenty minutes, he parked his car in front of a cafe in the commercial district.

I asked the driver to park his taxi in front of the bank. I then got out of the car and hid behind a lamp pole by the roadside. I saw Hendrix get out of the car and walk into the cafe.

From a distance, I spotted Hendrix in front of a large French window. He walked along the row of tables that were arranged by the windows and then sat down.

was shocked to see the face of the man who was sitting across from him. I was rooted on

he would be meeting with Agustin, the man from yesterday. Instead

was very tense. Faced with the ever


stood up and left the table

looked like Hendrix wasn't able to get the better of

was the best at using soft threats. Compared to him, who would betray his


I noticed that Hendrix had entered his car, I dialed his

rather quickly. Hendrix sounded

was at the brink of losing his cool, he was still concerned about me.

went well, Anne has always been a sensible

solve his problems together with us instead of solving them alone. Men can be strong, but they don't have to force themselves like this. Our home would always be a safe shelter for

two haven't spoken in long, you should spend more time with Anne and get

understand. Go ahead and do

hanging up

the phone, I called out

the matter?"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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