The sea breeze blew, and my thoughts got disturbed. However, it did help to ease my seasickness. I didn't have time to calm down but hurriedly walked as I saw Jordan getting closer to the car that came to pick us up.

Jordan seemed to be someone respectful on this island. Throughout the journey, almost everyone who saw our car bowed and greeted us with a smile.

The smiles of these people looked natural and friendly. However, it seemed like he was so used to this that he had no reaction at all.

This made Jordan look like he was the most respectful 'God', who was taking his trip. Yet, this 'God' didn't have to do anything but just sit back and quietly accept their greetings as a gift to the people.

At this moment, my heart suddenly beat faster. I looked away from those gazes uneasily. I couldn't tell if they were stupid or just innocent.

Soon, we reached the largest factory on the island. The workers should have received the news in advance as they lined up outside the factory to welcome us.

These workers all wore the same blue uniforms, and they were all young people. All of them were full of vitality and was surprisingly united. Just like the older generation, whenever there was an order, they would just roll up their sleeves and get to it no matter what.

"Welcome, Mr. Marshall! Welcome, Mr. Marshall!"

While they were welcoming us, we got out of the car, and Jordan did not stop to talk to these 'followers'. Instead, he walked past the crowd while following the lead of a young manager and walked into the factory without any expression. I had to follow closely from behind to ensure that I wouldn't be pushed aside by the other workers.

The assembly line in the factory was in the production process, and every area was in order. It seemed that our arrival did not cause too much of a commotion, or perhaps it was because these people were well-trained and would not do anything beyond the rules.

was something very strange. Whether it was the employees outside, the staff on the assembly line, or even the management staff on patrol, they were all

males and females work together.

in front of me made some noise that sounded like an electric current. I looked up and saw a white light flashing on the display screen when it was supposed to show the floor number. Then, it turned into a brand new face recognition

in, moved his face closer to the screen. In just a second, the words 'successful identification' appeared on the

to go up, I heard the roaring sound of an engine behind

about a minute,

intersection with three passages Each passage was dark, and its end could not be seen clearly. In addition to that,

at me and exclaimed with a faint smile, "After seeing my

sullen face, "Well, I've seen it, and it didn't change anything at all. Sorry to have

smiled instead. He looked away calmly,

second, there was


the darkness of several passages. Then, rows of light beams lit up one by one, and the passageway looked bright. At the end of the passage, the iron door slowly opened, and it was

ground meters below, there was another factory that was almost exactly the same as the one at the

lights. The moment I looked into the eyes of the staff who were looking

was produced here was not the unknown parts that was seen in the factory above the ground,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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