Calmly, I watched him run away. I remained seated as I took a sip of my warm tea.

"You can try and run, but there's no escape now. As long as I'm alive, this entire world is your prison, Jordan."

It was like the four years I spent in Hovell, but Hendrix was always in my heart. No one could change that. Just because Jordan could not see or feel my love for Hendrix, it did not mean it was not there. After Jordan left, I contacted Freya. I was hoping to use her name to get Cyril to meet me.

Freya hesitated. She was in a tough position. "I can't guarantee that he'll show up, but I'll give it a try for you."

Honestly, I could not tell if she was stupid or not. As if Cyril would ignore her words.

As expected, he immediately pushed back his plans and agreed to meet at the Golden Roof Hotel.

Of course, he didn't know that the person who really asked him out was me, so when he approached the room, he had his guard down. "Freya, I'm surprised that you forgave me so quickly..."

Before he could finish his words, he saw me waiting inside. While rubbing the back of his head, he asked, "Arianna? Why are you here? Where's Freya?"

spoke, he scanned his

am the one who asked you out. Freya isn't here." I raised my

Freya, but I did not lie to her. My mom was the one who arranged for that woman to meet me. I don't like her. It won't

whined, "I'm a few years younger than you, but that doesn't mean that I'm a little boy. It's

he said, I more or less understood what went on. Cyril could not escape his family's arrangement and ended up going on

was acting so weirdly when I asked her to stay earlier. It seemed like she was trying to keep her

I said, "But I believe you're serious about

believe me?" Cyril was pleasantly surprised and sat up

matter whether

said it yourself, it has been seven years, yet you still haven't made things clear with her Have you ever thought about

wants out


his hand. "Do you think I don't want that? Freya is the one who refuses to

had been in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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