Chapter 2357

Chapter 2357

After all, Rosalie had been through so many hardships just to get to that position. Even though Grayson had died in front of her, she didn't show the slightest bit of fear. Instead, she calmly lit a cigarette. As she exhaled, she became more and more indifferent. She didn't seem to have any intention of explaining herself at all.

The fire of anger in Jordan's eyes gradually burned brighter and stronger. He put his finger on the trigger and was ready to kill her.

One wanted to kill, and the other didn't want to run. It seemed like the result was obvious.

However, Hendrix stood up at this moment and exclaimed, "You don't need to make things difficult for her. I'm the one who instigated her to reveal the address to the police."

Jordan tilted his gun and aimed at Hendrix's heart. "Very impressive. You've turned my subordinate against me in such a short time. I guess I should praise you for that, right? My good brother." "Enough." Rosalie put out the cigarette and interrupted their confrontation.

"Do you really think that I would turn my back against you so easily? I did it for your sake. I just want Dad to know that you've done so many ridiculous things for this woman. You'll be the next one to die. If I just stood aside and didn't cause any trouble for you, you might really think you can control everything!"

"This woman, Arianna, should have died in Mesville a long time ago. Now you are putting her by your side. How are you going to explain it to Dad?"

for Jordan's sake. Of course, she was also the most hostile towards me so

deep breath and did not intend to accept her kindness. "I have my own plans. You shouldn't have intervened. Since you

really a cold-blooded man. Rosalie did everything for his sake and was devoted to him, yet he was only

wasn't anything else she could do. "Since I was brave enough to do it, I

Jordan adjusted the gun. The gun was aimed at her forehead that was covered by her bangs. Then, he unlocked

was such a

the people in this group

that, I

some consideration, Jordan still did not pull

suddenly thought

turned around and walked to me,

to let her


show mercy was something that

Her face was deathly pale, and her eyes looked dull. She was a bit angry. "I won't be grateful to you because I didn't do anything wrong. Jordan, you have a soft heart and one day,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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