Chapter 2363

Chapter 2363

As he got closer, Emily's men took out shotguns and pointed them at him. They even surrounded him. Jordan glanced at me from a distance, then turned to Emily and negotiated, "I'm here. Let her go."

Emily got out of the car. Just like that day in the unfinished building, she smiled politely and spoke languidly, "Don't worry. Let's take it slow and easy."

After saying so, the man beside her attentively took out a chair and placed it behind her.

Emily slowly sat down and crossed her legs. After thinking for a while, she asked, "Do you still remember the first time we met? That was the first time someone pointed a shotgun at my head since I was born. Till this day, I remember every single vivid movement then."

Jordan didn't show fear and asked calmly, "What are you trying to do?"

"You will know soon enough." Emily's smile disappeared instantly. Then, she eyed her subordinate.

The man immediately understood. Three big men instantly grabbed Jordan and pressed him down with his face close to the ground.

Then, the door of another car opened, and a man in sunglasses came out. The man seemed to be blind. After standing still, Emily's people went to help him. Only then did he move further and slowly walk over until he was only a step away from Jordan's face.

The subordinate who was supporting the man placed his shotgun into the hands of the blind man and told him to hold it tightly. He directed his hand and had it pointing at Jordan's head.

trying to snatch territory for the Sherwood family. The day you pointed the gun at me, was the day where you snatched away

a pause, Emily slightly narrowed her eyes, raised her voice, and ordered, "Pull the


had the same sound that I

all this indifferently, not worrying

went through my head was the

pressed to the ground and had his hand

what goes around does come around. This was Jordan's

this was not enough. We should let him suffer

was just a bullet. It was too

of the shotgun, and the misdirection

of life and death, Jordan still retained his pride of being God's favored one. However,

Emily sneered and uttered sarcastically, "I didn't expect you to

up and walked over. Her subordinates immediately


eyes filled

He warned

"Kill me, and I

no one

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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