Twas completely frozen and dumbstruck over this news. Las powerful enough allow these strange orbs fight protect us? They can feed aff my powers alone? Will that drain me? Make me wren? Will beable to continue feeding them for long? had ust goten my abilities ack; what did she mean that was the strongest in this group? Twasn't Songer than my mother, 1 as Just Lil.

Last any diferent than anormal ‘olana ther had o have been a mistake She couldn't beseous. 50, 3s longs my daughter's wolf is okay, you'llbe able to protect us?" My mother asked, looking.

up at the guardian with Hopeful yes.

es, thats correc,” Aucasald, tll Keeping her eyes on me. Its het pov that will keep my children satisfied while they are not cocooned in Mother Earth.” There was along pause before Aura

added, “Tell me, Lila. Where shall I send my children?” My eyes widened even more a lok from Aura tomy mother, and then to Hazel have a Choose?” I asked, my voice becoming less confident. “It you they eed rom,” Hazel sald, giving me a head nod “You muse choose cities o owns for ther (0 protect” “This was a lot of pressure; I dna to make decisions lke this.

“Can't we protec the entire world or nation?” Lasked, sounding disappointed by this chole, lt does no work ike that” Aura said, a frown sppearing on herips. “Protecting the earth, which i ‘what we normlly do, does not protect Jour people We can only protect the earth by preventing datkaess from harming it any further than t already as. When darkness was conjured, It cracked the arth. 1 must spend time nurturing her and puting her back together, must breathe lf back nto her. cat protect hee from further damage, but that won't protect your

‘people; darkness can still get to you, am extending my children and allowing then thefreedom to protect those who reside on the cath, but thy can only protect so.

much ance. They can exch protect an area, but you can't expect them o protect much more than the ly line. Asking oneof my children o protect more than onecityatatime, s asking too much” “Butt they can protect more than one Pac” asked for larly. If hese packs are within thesame cit ow, then yes,” Aura confirmed. "So, el me, Lia, ‘where shall I send my children?” The.

orbs fight tha danced around her ‘glowed even brighter and ther gigging grew louder, making Aura smile up at them. She whispered to ther, and they Seemed tobe whisperingback na tone hat found dificult to hear Come to hinkofit, don’ thi they were speaking English “My children had told me your powers ar quite delicous; they will every happy here fo as ong as you eed them,” Aura said, a twinkle of love

In her eyes, “They've already fed from me?” asked, my face warming, “They didn come near me though hand did't feel anything They don't need 0 be.

eat you o feed from you; your powers ate strong enough to extend to them froma grea distance,” she explained.

After a moment of pause she added, “You eed to no fear ther. Your pavers wil.

recharge from the moonlight. My.

you very much,

us” 1 dicn't know her, but for some ceason, 1 did trust her. “L rust you"

looked at my mother and we locked eyes ora moment before looked backup at Aura lysium, said emily and proudly. “1 want one of them to protec the town of Elysium. tis whee

amazement, he dss Asher Hips made contact, the or, her child, grew even brighter and then flew nt he i. We

of my mate's pack Thereare

all protected.” Au turned to another

and then it lewnto the sky, brighter than eve, reminding me of

shooting sta and disappeared before iar eyes, “You have 2 more,” Aura sak with a fond smile as she

lump in

where my schools and

have one more suggest you think carefully and ase my last child wisely,” ua said, eyeing me carefully. didn't ned to think about it; t was obvious o me as to where is ast orb should go and protect. I looked at Diana who was string backat me,

do. looked upat Aura and smiled. "Here, 53d, motioning

my statement, “Not ust any ogi errtory. This rogue territory, 1 sid iemiy. “Thisis the village of ay mate's mothe. 1's being protected by

by Hazel But it needs tobe protected by any darkness that seeks 1 With Jazzy being ihe one to summon this darn, fe this

seen and spoke to herlast orb Instead of ising the rb, the ord danced happy around her wih a parade o gigales, making Aura iggleas wel, As

cascading around us

finally lowed its movements and rested in front of Aura; sh finaly Kissed thearb of light and t lew into

it appeared to bea firework hat umbrella over us and fll round

had ever seen nc experienced The brightness soon dimmed, but could il fee the protective shield at play. Iwas just

my breath 35 stared around the nicely

down acts, “The , places you have chosen are being protected Darkness won't beable to ge through them so easly.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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