Chapter 315

Chapter 315

Chapter 315

Jimny way

taid-back and easygoing, exuding a vibe that reminded people of life in Dravena Isley

However, Madelane noticed occasional traces of helplessness in his expression, which left her unsure of the kind of life he had been leading all

k was strent with plenty o

ty of fishing gear.

The boat they boarded wasn't small, and the deck was

Bricks the three of them being foreigners, there was another foreigner aboard from Dravena Hes. He had tanned skin and sprike with such a heavy accent that his speech was unintelligible, Jimmy exchanged a few words with the man, and the boat began heading out to sea

Gavin, always quick to make himself at home, sat on the deck and fullled with the fishing gear. Fishing our own meal does have a unique appeal, but I seriously doubt we can catch any fish". "To this what we're having for breakfast today?

The captain walked over and runtered something while parting a bambino basket on the deck. Cavin walked over, opened it, and his eyes lit up at the sight of the fresh seafood inside. "So, it's already prepared! Time to fire up the grill!"

grill out the deck and also cooked some seafond stew over charcoal. Jimmy chuckled but said nothing more. He set up a

His movements were

nts were smooth, as if he were used to this way of life. Before long, everything was grad

Madeline sat on a small stool, watching the seafood on the grill sizzle and release a delicious aroma. She took a sniff and praised, "It smells amazing

Jimmy sprinkled some seasonings over the food. "Wait until we catch something big later-then you'll really be in for a treat. Right now, these are just the small fry."

Gavin, who wasn't one for fishing, joked, "There's probably some beginner's luck buff for this, right? I have a feeling I'm going to do pretty well today"

salty sea breeze blew

sun climbed higher in the

er visible.

deep blue sea, then turned back. The shore they had left

adapted quickly. Some people get seasick, but

people have been risking their lives to see the sights down there, it must be pretty spectacular. Otherwise, why would they take such risks?" Gavin scoffed, wrinkling his nose in distaste. "What kind of logic is that? I say the sea's beautiful, and you respond by pointing out that

I mean is, it's mysterious

worth risking your life

worth risking my



plate, and said,


and grilled in under twenty minutes,

didn't eat seafood often, but now

"Dravena Isles are not bad either. The coastlines are similar to this, but more lively,

atmosphere there is pretty intense. There are plenty of beautiful women and handsome men too, but the heat is unbearable. It's hot all year round. They grow coffee trees, com, and some crops that, if handled well, are more

a bite of his stew and asked, "Are you talking

didn't deny it.


looked at him seriously. "Jimmy, you know those things are bad. As medicine, they can save

up to them. If they can resist temptation, faintly as only

She couldn't understand how he could speak so casually

se destruction of their

destined for heaven, someone else has to go to hell, night!" "Who says no one cares whether you live or die! We all care!" Madeline frowned. "I don't

Jimmy might have gone

helplessness, knowing she

knew the ups and downs of his life.

of the sunlight, his expression distant and wistful. "If I end up in hell. I'll watch you ascend to heaven, Maddie, even God cant take away a sinner's right

your blessings-I want

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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