My Rich Wife

Chapter 2607

Chapter 2607: Sudden Change of Circumstances

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi- Bo Studio

Light flashed across Li Yue’s hand. His expression did not change, so nothing unexpected happened.

At the same time, a distant cry and the sound of battle entered this underground passage. The tremors on the ground gradually became increasingly distinct.

“Wait a little longer. Don’t be anxious.”

Li Yue blocked Qin Yu, who was about to leap up.

He stared intensely at the chessboard in his hand, and his expression was a little ugly.

“We can’t wait any longer. These giant monsters are about to leave this place. Being here is like facing death, so we have to take action now to have a chance at survival.

At this moment, Qin Yu saw some more ogres enter, and the entire camp became a little chaotic.

If they dragged on, there would probably be more ogres here.

He immediately rushed out and slashed out with his saber, killing the three ogres in the surroundings.

After that, he charged toward another ogre. Ju Wuwei and the others followed closely behind. The nearly 20 ogres within a 50 -meter radius were instantly cleared.

“Clean up these corpses. If the giant ogres discover them, it might lead to unexpected consequences.”

Ju Wuwei said in a deep voice.

When he was fighting against the giant ogres, he realized that these giant ogres already had very high intelligence.

It might lead to many things if he left these corpses on the ground.


Qin Yu suddenly thought of his Order of Rules, the giant ogre’s esophagus, and he had an idea.

The ground instantly became putrid, and the corpses slowly sank into it.

corpses over

all thrown in. As they did not summon the demon inside,

consumed about 10% of his mental strength. Coupled with the Spirit Recovery Pill, this


way, a few of them continued to advance cautiously, encountering some essential

the mirror so that when they returned, it

few giant ogres along the way, it was difficult to find

gradually faded. The soldiers who had left the city seemed to have

forest, which served as the habitat for the giant ogres, once again fell into a deathly silence. The only

of 30 meters, they were still considerably

to tremble violently, and the flame was instantly compressed to the

consciousness surged over like water. When it arrived above

“It’s Seifer’s consciousness.”

as if it had

the candle flame. At this moment, the flame was almost


took out another candle and lit it up. After lighting

the two candles seeped into everyone’s bodies. After exhaling, everyone’s bodies

few seconds, the consciousness

the soul only needs a moment to

with a bitter

“Moreover, there’s bad news.

was also

depths of the forest. In less than ten

of the commando team can only hold on

more potent

time, it would be difficult to escape once they

Qin Yu asked softly.

However, if that divine sense were to sweep out again, I’m afraid


will record key coordinates

Yu said to everyone. “What if we encounter

Fang Xiang asked.

quickly as possible. If you encounter a large necromancy army, retreat

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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