We walk in silence through the rest of the short hallway. It seems to be dark gray metal with I beams reinforcing the walls and ceilings every ten feet or so. I definitely get Batman vibes walking in the corridor. I don’t know what to expect at this point, but I’m not sure if I’m more excited or afraid of spy gadgets popping up out of the ground like in the movies. I really need to not let my imagination run away with me, but it’s hard with no information to work with and Nickolas still isn’t talking to us, just silently walking.

Nickolas takes us through a heavy metal door that has one handle on the outside, but several levers and handles on the inside. This place was mean to keep people out. We walk into a room that is still the drab gray metal, but there is a dim blue light illuminating the whole space. It seems to be coming from the additional screens, but also the walls too.

“Here.” Nickolas points us to a table where Osiston and three other warriors are sitting. I recognize all of them from our sparring classes, but none of them are ever there consistently. I guess this would be why. They are on a mission, no longer needing training, but attending to either stay in shape o to help with new recruits.

bit more quickly. We’ve been on this for a long time and have lost too many to the cause. It needs to end sooner rather than later. And now innocence is being taken, that we cannot allow.” The older of the two guys I only recognize by face. He’s starting to gray around the ears and he has lines around his eyes from either squinting or smiling a lot. The rest of his dark hair is cut very short on the sides and back and only long enough to comb back on top. His build is average for most of the warriors I know. About six feet tall and probably has to walk through a standard door sideways because of his shoulder width. In

to throw innocence right at them then?”

heard from your point of view on this enough, Nickolas. They have agreed

They are too young and eager to

It is obvious that this mission is dangerous, that was made clear enough when we were volun-told to join this group. Might as well get out whatever it is that you have a problem with Warrior Nickolas, since you seem to be the only one to voice a negative to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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