My Sleeping Beauty Husband by Lyanna Nichols Chapter 184 Who Was at the Door?

As soon as the words fell, Cynthia suddenly walked into the room from outside, she was short of breath when she talked, “Hey, Mom, you woke up!”

“I’ve just been awake for a while!” Lynn waved at Cynthia. Then Cynthia got close to Lynn and leaned over, holding her hands with a face full of attachment.

Lynn could tell that Cynthia came here in a hurry because there were still beads of sweat on her forehead. So Lynn. wiped them distressedly. “Why are you running in such a hurry? I’m not gonna run away.”

Cynthia raised her face and let Lynn wipe the sweat off her face. She was very obedient, “Mom, what were you talking. with Alston just now? Why are his eyes red?”

Alston was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, “I was accidentally blinded by the wind outside.”

After Cynthia heard this, she got up and closed the window. Lynn saw her action and secretly smiled. Cynthia really thought highly of Alston in her heart.

“Alston, I will take care of my mother from now on. If you have something to do in your company, just go back then.”

Alston did have some things to do, so he had just talked a few words with Cynthia before he left.

He was going to check what was going on with Alex. If he could get the problem solved as soon as possible, it would be


Cynthia watched Alston’s tall and straight back going away gradually, turned to her mother, and frowned indistinctly.. She had got a gut feeling that her mother had told Alston something important, but both of them kept it a secret between them. It seemed as if they were trying to hide something.

Cynthia couldn’t figure it out, and in the end, she quit thinking about it continuously. She twisted the thermos in her hands, in which there was homemade millet porridge. “Mom, this is the porridge that was just sent from home. Mrs. Lewis made it. And it smells so good. Would you like some?”

Since the last operation, Lynn had lost her appetite. After Mrs. Lewis heard about it, she specially boiled the porridge for a long time before asking someone to send it to the hospital.

Lynn smiled and nodded, “Okay, I haven’t tasted anything cooked by Mrs. Lewis for a long time.”

Seeing her daughter eagerly serving soup for her, Lynn’s eyes were full of tenderness. In fact, she was not hungry and had no appetite, but she didn’t want her daughter to worry about her.

The millet porridge looked golden and very appetizing. Lynn forced herself to have half a bowl of it, but she couldn’t

have it all.

Seeing Lynn uncomfortable like this, Cynthia took the thermos out. As soon as she went out, Lynn felt sick, rushed to the bathroom, and vomited hard.

Cynthia returned to the door of the ward. When she heard the sound of vomiting from the bathroom, her eyes turned

red all of a sudden.

Lynn couldn’t even eat porridge now, which showed how sick she was currently.

Hearing the sound of flushing water coming from the bathroom, Cynthia quickly wiped away her tears and rushed out to hide herself. After calming herself down, she walked in the ward with a smile again, pretending that she didn’t hear



saw a tall and straight figure walking here. Then he ran over with

on his face.

him on the phone before. So this was the first

was wearing a black suit. He looked not like the kind of person who would show up in such a dirty and messy alley. Although the man didn’t know the brand of Alston’s suit, just looking at the design and fabric, he thought that it

and a stern expression. When he glanced at the man lightly, the man didn’t

Alex?” Alston asked

and now he’s in high spirits. He has got

any hesitation, Alston stepped on the dirty water and walked directly

of heat rushed out when Alston and Quinn. got inside the room which was full of people, All kinds of noise filled the room, which

looked around but did not

in a direction and brought Alston

table, and looked a little thinner than a few days ago. His eyes were swollen, staring

opposite Alex is the boss here. His name is Jackson, a ruthless

to mess with him.”

would not understand these rituals. So he kept talking to Alston earnestly. Alston kept his face cold and did not speak, just

mouth knowingly.

off his shirt a long time ago, exposing his thin

and he looked a little

scene happily, when Alston

you want to keep

need!” According to Alex’s terrible situation, it would not take long for him to

words, he was about

seemed to have noticed something, and glanced at Alston’s direction. The two men

to each

then turned around

that was why his heart beat so

you even know

so different from each other; one was a ruthless person who climbed up from the lower class, and


and Jackson did know each other. The Smith family had run business in Fort for so many years. The people they had contact with were not only from the upper classes, but also people from all walks of life. It was not

the lower class, Alston’s help

to him.

day, Alston finished handling the company’s affairs and went to the hospital. As soon as he

to the office with me?” Dylan frowned, as if there

Dylan to his exclusive

time, Cynthia had just come out of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department and was going to see her

Helen suddenly stopped

her head in

as if there was something urgent. “You are going to see your


morning, so he forgot his mobile phone. Please give it to him

phone, turned in another direction, and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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