Chapter 1068

After opening the sealed envelope, Hera found a stack of documents inside. She carefully took out the documents, and on top of them was written ‘Transfer Agreement for Innovate Collective’.

Hera’s mind blanked as her eyes stared fixedly at the words ‘Innovate Collective’. Her heart pounded heavily, and she even forgot to breathe.

Walter and his group exchanged smiles. Raymond covered his mouth and coughed twice. “Ms. Lewis, please take a look at the agreement. If there are no issues, just sign it. Although Mr. Calcraft is buying it, your side still needs to go through the paperwork.”

Hera finally regained her senses. She held her chest and gasped for air. After three full minutes of ignoring the presence of some of the wealthiest people around, she rushed to her office with the

agreement in hand.

The secretary at the door turned pale. Why was Hera behaving

erratically? Did something bad happen? She hurriedly followed

the red-eyed Hera.

Just after Nash finished the call with Theo, the manager from the

Testing Department brought him a cup of tea. Her shirt had two

buttons undone, revealing her cleavage. Even her purple bra was

peeking out. Although she was in her 30s, her figure was definitely


department are you from, handsome? You look a


Chapter 1068

his brows and replied, “I’m


said, “You must be

retorted, “It means you

here for long.”

from headquarters last week!”

was about to sit beside Nash when the office door was suddenly


red eyes, ran toward Nash. Her voice


Testing Department manager was

else and sat on Nash’s lap, hing

him tightly.

his arms around Hera’s slender waist

Nash tightly, almost

significant issue, and the

was also causing her a headache. Now that Nash had acquired

breathe… Are you trying to murder me…” Nash could not finish.

before Hera


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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