Chapter 1074

“Yes, I have found something. Someone from Deco Electronics bribed the head of the Logistics Department!”

“Deco Electronics?”

“That’s right. I also found out that the person who bribed the head of

the Logistics Department is none other than their president, Xena


“Xena? She was my classmate in college. How could it be her?”

-Hera’s face instantly turned pale.

Xena’s grades were not particularly outstanding back when they were

in college.

She was very introverted and rarely spoke to anyone else.

The minute they graduated, she left all their class-related group c

No one had heard from her ever since.

Never would Hera have imagined that she was the current president

of Deco Electronics.

“Xena is under the protection of a martial artist expert, Ms. Hera.

That’s why I can’t interrogate her further!

Mr. Calcraft isn’t around, you’ll need to

for the

friends who were just discharged from

they… haven’t found

as he uttered that

me at the


“Alright, Ms. Hera!”

to Lauren. “Mom, have you heard about

a chip production company that’s based in Jewell County. The company is about the same size

been listening to the conversation that took place

business isn’t involved with Deco

in any way. Why are

intentions because we stud finger into their pie!”

side and make sure she’s safe for the next couple of days. I’m worried Deco Electronics will harm

sure Ms. Hera is well- protected!” Melody said as she nodded.

Hera and Lauren gave Melody astonished looks.

how I should refer to you, shouldn’t I?” Melody asked as she

my mother’s goddaughter, which makes us sisters. Nash is your


pretended to be angry.

Melody smiled as she nodded.

let’s have

in the midst of bringing food to the table.

Melody’s hand and pulled her toward the dining

and Harrison exchanged


appeared in Lauren’s eyes as she said, “Have a couple of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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