Ashton could barely walk straight after being roughed up.

Seeing this, Chris had no choice but to support him.

Even though he wanted to send Ashton home, he couldn’t help turning around to look at the other two men before his eyes darted in Amelie’s direction.

They’re acting weird tonight… What if something happens to Amelie after I leave?

“You should take him away,” Amelie told him calmly.

Chris couldn’t possibly say anything else when Amelie herself told him to go with Ashton.

With a screech, he drove off into the night after he carried Ashton into his car.

“Are you okay?” Toby returned to looking gentle as he reached out to hold on to Amelie.

He had the fright of his life because of what happened earlier.

Noticing that he was about to grab her, she ducked to the side, only for her hand to fall into another big palm.

The hand smoothly caught her hand and held it tight.

She was taken aback at first but when she turned her head, she was greeted by the sight of an expressionless Leo.

She would have thought that it was someone else if she hadn’t seen him reaching out to her.

Her not letting Toby hold her didn’t mean that she was permitting Leo to do so.

She didn’t even hesitate and was about to pull her arm away.

“Bria’s looking for you,” he suddenly brought up.

Bria was Amelie’s lifeline. As expected, Amelie stopped struggling at the mention of the child’s name. “When did you go see her?”

Leo didn’t answer her and only pulled her away from the racetracks.

A small head suddenly perked up from Leo’s car before a hand appeared and waved. “Mommy!”

Speak of the devil.

“Bria? What are you doing here?” Amelie pulled away from Leo’s grip and ran to the girl.

Leo didn’t stop her this time.

Bria immediately reached out and threw herself into Amelie’s arms, rubbing against her like a kitten. “I woke up and didn’t see you, Mommy. I was so scared. Daddy said he could bring me to see you!”

She then quietly blinked at Amelie. She didn’t tell Amelie why Leo went to their home or how she was taken away through Steven.

have time to tell Bria about

vroom-vroom too when I grow up!”

when she saw her car flying in

trained. You can’t do what I

things, Amelie was afraid that Bria

reply while she rubbed

order to wait for her Daddy to bring

turning to look at Toby, “Mr. Walsh, my daughter is sleepy. We’ll

up Bria and carried

in your car. It’s too narrow for her

opened the backdoor of his

nuzzled her face in

have cared under normal circumstances but when it came to Bria,

while she turned around and entered the car with her

on Amelie’s back, giving her proper

might look like he was helping Amelie into

have you really

safety seat in Leo’s

that had turned into a sleeping basket. There were blankets and


a mini bed

the basket and comfortably smacked her lips together, two of her fingers pointing at

in when she

then did Bria feel at

a bedtime

then took out her phone and pressed into a

signaled the driver to turn off the music

soft yet compelling voice at that

car drove into a residential area

she politely uttered and lowered her torso to carry

driver was even quicker than her as he

driver and started to go upstairs with

that a big hand was pressing the

one hand and left his other arm hanging by the side of his

lowered his torso and leaned in toward

feel his erratic

supposed to know the answer to that?” she asked in return, her


well when Toby

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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