Chapter 252

“N-No reason!” answered Elyse stiffly before dashing away.

Meanwhile, Amelie slowly narrowed her eyes as she watched Elyse stagger away. Not even threatening to destroy her career could get her to speak out her reason… Why?

“I’m surprised you two have such a long history.”

A voice came out of nowhere while Amelie was in deep thought, and she turned around to find Fiona walking toward her with an ambiguous smile.

“I was wondering why you want to screw her up. So she nearly killed you, huh? So you have come for vengeance instead of love as you had claimed.”

Amelie smiled plainly when she saw it was Fiona, who was the only one who stood up for her when Elyse wanted to screw her up.

Hence, she had a pretty good impression of Fiona, despite being unfamiliar with her.

“Looks like you’re an inquisitive cat,” commented Amelie as she smiled ambiguously, leading Fiona to shake her head. “It’s not that I’m inquisitive, but that your show is very dramatic. Not even reality TV would dare come up with a script like this. That said, I really hadn’t come to eavesdrop. I overheard you two when I was touching up my makeup.”

At that, she extended an arm toward Amelie. “Fiona Shaw, a pleasure to know you.”

“Foxy.” Amelie returned the handshake.

Following that, the two went out.

“Clayton will certainly be kicked out of the show. Who do you think will fill in her spot?” Fiona asked while walking.

She had an innate sense of aloofness. It was no wonder she could play the lead role in shows like ‘The Legend of Princess Anastasia’. However, Amelie had no interest in it. “Beats me.”

Fiona paused her steps and smiled. “You sure are an interesting one.”

At that, she threw her hair back and commented, “Better not be another one who will send my heart racing. Can’t take too much drama when you’re getting on in years, you see.”

she claimed to be old. Amelie thought the woman was getting more

set, and the other

noticed the name ‘Lilith Quill’ written on the skelf’s name tag, and it was only then that she remembered the latter shot to

But who’d have thought she’d be

look at Amelie. Amelie didn’t bother herself with Lilith either, and she only greeted the other two guests

someone had already taken up

wasn’t aloofness

her to be, but this young woman’s condescension evidently came from her family background. In fact, even her eyes were filled with contempt, and

woman had everything to do with

the one and

too many things in life, she still couldn’t help being

‘Show Your Love’ production

Amelie too, but because Amelie wore a mask, Jodie didn’t make out who it was. Still, it didn’t stop

two shakes, and the hosts briefly introduced Jodie’s background, but because she didn’t have any prominent achievements, they had no

held up the Alston Family and turned their family business from being on the verge of shutting down to a leading corporate in just a short few years. The man had long become a

couldn’t find anything else other than his somewhat messy relationship with

the director nodded pleasingly as he looked at the guests’ reactions. This was precisely

people were curious about, and Jodie’s inclusion would guarantee a massive wave of

was also surprised by Jodie’s appearance, she merely stayed to fulfill the contract she had signed and

myself, and be an accompaniment, mused Amelie

sure the audience and our female guests are curious to see who our secret admirers are for the night.” The hosts rambled enthusiastically to build up the suspense before finally introducing the male

would receive a round of applause when each came out, and the hosts would ask them

five were actors who had a few acclaimed works in the past couple of years. Hence, the audience responded enthusiastically. Even those watching the live stream were hyped. Comments were coming in one after another at breakneck speed on the live

showbiz. He’s got the looks, the skills, and the perfect set of techniques that leaves hundreds and thousands of young ladies infatuated with him. But young ladies aren’t the only ones crazy about him. Even

instigation, everyone grew increasingly curious, wanting to know just who

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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