My Talented Babies & Genius Wife

Chapter 57 I Will Pay You Back

Freya was truly afraid of Kieran. She was not frightened of death at all, but she didn't want her children to be orphans.

If Freya died, her children would be too pitiful without a mother.

Freya could fight against anyone else who tried to hurt them, but Kieran was extremely powerful in Arkpool City. Hence, whatever Freya did would be in vain.

What Freya could do was pray that Kieran could be merciful and let her go.

With a miserable look, Kieran stared at the bank card in Freya's small hand and felt very sorry for her.

Kieran was stunned that Freya begged him to let her go!

It meant Freya was very afraid of him!

Kieran never bothered to explain to others, so he went forward and forcefully embraced Freya into his arms. "Freya, what happened last night was a mistake."

A mistake?

know what Kieran wanted to do. Last night, she was almost raped

not have the guts to question Kieran. She was smart, so

Kieran's embrace and said in fear, "Mr. Fitzgerald, don't worry. I will pay you back. I do not have

couldn't even afford her children's care and Josiah's medical care, so it would be difficult to save money. Thus, Freya decided to find a

something, Freya hurriedly said, "Mr. Fitzgerald, I don't know what you

not believe her

never get ten

this, Kieran got even more guilty. He had never

and miserable look.


Kieran put it into

opened her eyes wide in shock,

Fitzgerald, I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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