My Talented Babies & Genius Wife

Chapter 112 I’m Home Early

The voice was low and could not be heard very clearly. Freya couldn’t tell whose voice it was, but she was genuinely startled by it.

She hadn’t bought anything online lately, and it was strange enough that she got such a big box for no reason. Now, how could there be a man’s voice in the box?!

If Freya hadn’t always been a staunch atheist, she might have thought she’d met a psychic event.

She took one look at the box and involuntarily took a step back. The big box in front of her seemed like a ticking time bomb.

On second thought, Freya decided to open the box and find out what was inside. She gave the box a tentative kick, and there was a muffled groan inside.

At this point, Freya was almost certain that the box contained a real man!

Kieran also heard the sound inside the box. He frowned slightly. Seeing that Freya was trying to open the box, he pressed her hands.

“I’ll do it!”

The irresistible voice made Freya pull back her hand involuntarily.

Her heart beat faster. Freya knew it was too much to ask, but it was nice to feel protected by him.

Freya worried that this was a trick played by Alisha and the people in the box would bring danger to them, so she rushed into the kitchen and grabbed a kitchen knife.

If the man in that box was really up to no good, she would fight him to death! She would never let him hurt Kieran, the kids, and Kiki!

The box was quickly opened and a man in an off-white casual suit jumped out of it. As Freya tried to swing a kitchen knife at him, his plastic flowers scattered all over the room.

“Boss, I’m back! Surprise? Happy?”

Seth was going to jump out of the box gracefully, but he had a cramp in his foot that made it a little difficult.

could only tip the box upside down and,

of a confined space. He opened his arms and wanted to embrace

a romantic guy, and he thought that giving him to Freya disguised as a courier would ignite her girlish heart, and

put his arms around her and say, “boss, don’t

it would

to him jumping out of the box countless times, and every time Freya had tears in her eyes. Little did he know that the surprise he had so painstakingly produced was faced not with tears

Freya’s kitchen knife, he involuntarily took a step back, “Boss,

couldn’t stop exclaiming, “Sethy, is that

knife aside for fear of hurting Seth. She checked herself again during the day, and she couldn’t be more sure that she didn’t have

failed. Since she did not love him, it would hurt both her and

to let


it’s me! I’m

must be replaced. He spread

himself on Freya, and Kieran

him. He hugged Kieran so hard, and

a helpless look. If Seth kissed

hold you

to the ground before

do this to

but no matter how violent you are, I

makes the heart grow fonder. Don’t you

just as he was about to give Freya a little coquetry, he caught Kieran’s eyes which was like a thousand-year-old

body shook,

Kieran, was it? No wonder the hug

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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