My Talented Babies & Genius Wife

Chapter 118 Sethy, Let’s Break up

When Bradley heard the voice on the other end of the line, he started, and then he was unspeakably excited.

He had been to the Millennium Hotel to investigate the video from that night five years ago, but it was so long ago that finding it was almost impossible. He didn’t expect to get a clip today.

“Send me the video now!”

Almost immediately, Bradley received the video.

He clutched his phone excitedly, “Boss, I have a feeling we’re close to finding out who the woman who saved your life five years ago was!”

With that, Bradley clicked the video.

The video was incredibly short, and he couldn’t even see the woman’s face.

In the video, he could see a slender figure pushing open the door in front of her and walking in.

Staring at the woman’s clothes, Bradley tried to remember what Alisha was wearing when he met her in the hotel room the next morning. He thought for a long time, but it didn’t come to him.

He looked up at Kieran, “Boss, do you remember what Alisha was wearing that day? I remember I sent you a picture of her. Is that the dress from the video?”

If Alisha was wearing the dress in the video that day, it would prove that the woman who saved Kieran that night was indeed Alisha, and there would be no need for them to continue their investigation.

But if Alisha was wearing that dress, they had to get to the bottom of it!

Kieran took a cool look at the video, “How could I know what Alisha was wearing?”

Bradley opened his mouth and swallowed the words back.

eat a man clean and he wouldn’t even know

he had

to stare at the video on his phone, trying to

leg excitedly, “Boss, look at

the beginning. He paused and pointed to the woman’s earlobe, “Boss, the studs in her ears, they’re Smith’s masterpiece! At that time, in order to show that this kind of earring

Kieran’s eye dropped to

the woman’s profile, just a beautiful earlobe that was white

woman’s earlobes, Kieran couldn’t help but think of Freya’s tiny

mind wandered, Bradley coughed softly, “Boss, all we have to do is to find out who bought those Smith earrings five years ago, and we’ll find

went on, “Boss, if the woman five years ago was not Alisha, what should

wasn’t Alisha…” Kieran’s voice sounded cool and indifferent to the extreme, “There will

Kieran say this. His boss was

asked tentatively, “Should I

There was a pause, then Kieran went on,

in mind was Freya. Even if that woman had saved his life, he would have remained faithful to Freya and could not

was Freya, everything would be perfect. It was a pity that Freya’s lovely children were

popular as it was now, and many people

didn’t actually cost that much, and the person who bought

was not easy to find out who the

five years ago, Bradley felt that was not the case. He must find out the truth of that year, so that Alisha could

quietly in the car and watched

Stahler came to visit Alisha today. She was sitting next

Freya since childhood, especially

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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