Chapter 2886

She looked ahead, her eyes piercing the darkness. Judging from the elevation she was at, she figured that the cliff might not be too far from where she stood.

Midway, Nicole stopped and pondered if there was still a way ahead. She was wondering why Damien and the rest of his entourage had chosen to hole themselves up in a place that was so isolated and claustrophobic.

All of a sudden, she heard some rustling noises emanating from the thick, lush vegetation before her. Startled, she darted off the trail she was on and hid herself behind the thicket to her right, and there, she carefully observed the movements of the silhouettes ahead.

"Let's stay here for a few days. We can leave once things have simmered down," a man said with a hint of caution in his voice.

"Why don't we just leave now?" another voice asked.

Upon hearing the second voice, Nicole's eyes widened.

'Isn't that Damien? Patricia was following him, but why isn't she here?' Nicole wondered.

As their footfalls grew louder, Nicole crouched over and looked through the gaps in the thicket, trying not to place herself in their direct line of sight.

were strolling along the pathway as they conversed, shooting bullets of glances behind their shoulders every now again to ensure that they

think we've really shaken that woman off?" Damien asked, sounding

an eye on her. She won't have her way with

still seemed uneasy as he remarked," She's

her," the man asserted.

agreed, and followed the other man around a

they disappeared from

in the direction which they had taken, she went after them,

was evident that this individual by the name of "Vaio" was not someone she should trifle with. In all likelihood, he was skilled in combat, stealth, and

quickened her pace until she could hear a commotion up ahead. Judging by the sound of grunts and yells, Nicole

caught sight of two figures grappling and wrestling. With her heart pounding, Nicole squinted her eyes and quickly advanced to get

toe with Vaio, though it was challenging for her to gain the upper hand. Just as Nicole was about to step in to

it at Vaio, knowing she would

arm, causing him to yelp in pain, and the baton-like weapon he was holding fell to the

ejected from the tip of the baton, making it clear to

stumbled back and clutched his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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