Chapter 3030

"In one month, we will get married," Jared said, giving Nicole a peck on the lips before carrying her towards the bed...

The next day was bright and sunny.

After breakfast, Jared dropped Nicole off at Riddle Corporation.

As Nicole got out of the car, she waved at Jared.

With a smile, Jared said, 'TH pick you up after work." "Okay," Nicole agreed, smiling as she turned to enter the company.

Jared watched her for a moment before instructing Max, "Drive." "Yes," Max replied, starting the car.

Leaning back in his seat, Jared spoke again, "Continue preparing for the wedding. It will be held in a month." "A wedding!" Max sounded excited, "Alright, I understand."

already been underway and were nearly complete, only delayed by recent events. Now, the plans

a big event, eagerly

had entered her

feeling? Adjusting okay to being back?" "I'm doing

me. I'm glad you're adjusting well," Nicole responded with

she said, "Nicole, take a look at this." "What's

informed Nicole, "The Dettson Project has to be halted because a key raw

document. "There should be some of that material, though limited," she said,

was," Lulu explained. "But yesterday, the supplier suddenly said they ran out of stock, and new shipments

only affect the timeline but also had the potential to create

to coordinate with other suppliers," Nicole

Lulu promptly left to

Even if the

problem somewhere in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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