Chapter 3042

In Nicole's quiet office, she was sorting through many papers during a busy time.

Over at SeaQuartet Holdings, an assistant rushed into Mr. Wright's office, blurting, "Mr. Wright, about the port..." "Calm down. Just tell me clearly," Everett said, a bit annoyed.

After a moment to collect himself, the assistant shared, looking serious," We just found out Riddle Corporation's materials from abroad are stored in Johnston Group's special warehouse."

Everett went pale.

Before this, he was struggling to understand why he couldn't get updates on the material stuff. He thought Jared was helping Nicole, and he was sure she was depending on Jared for more help. So, Everett had a plan to mess up Jared's support later.

But, surprise! Nicole had it covered. She and Jared were working together smoothly.

"Mr. Wright, what should we do next?" the assistant asked seriously.

other shipments are coming," Everett said. He was sure moving such


asked in a deep voice, "Have our people shown up?" "They're here and

them start working," Everett said, sounding cold but

agreed and

in thought, like his

casting a beautiful array of colors across the sky, Nicole and Lulu made their way to the elevator, signaling the

doesn't seem like her to have other plans," Lulu inquired, her

mentioned feeling a bit restless, so she decided to head to the port

eyebrows in surprise. "Why, though? The ship isn't here until tomorrow morning, right?"

of resignation in her voice.

space. It might just be a phase


the company premises, spotting Spencer's car. She waved to Nicole, "See

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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