Chapter 2

Jolting awake, Madison realized she was alone in the room. She felt relieved that it was just a dream. Soon after, she took in that she had spent the entire night in the study, and not one soul in the Preston family bothered to check on her. If it weren’t for my sheer luck. I might lave died in this study last night, she thought to herself.

The lingering dread and pain from the dream still sent chills down her spine, while the utter disregard of the Preston family instilled a fresh wave of cold disappointment..

At this moment, Regina and Daisy were outside her room. Daisy said, “I saw her bleeding a lot, and she still hasn’t woken up. Could she be dead!”

“All the better if she is. I’ll free up the place for Alison and will save the trouble for your brother,” answered Regina.

Madison’s heart twitched when she heard that name. No wonder Neville rarely came home lately. It turned out that his sweetheart. Alison Conner, had returned, she thought.

Even though Alison had been gone for three years, her name haunted Madison like a curse.

Neville liked to make Madison kneel and would passionately call out Alison’s name when they had s**.

Each mention of Alison’s name felt like a ruthless hack to Madison’s heart.

Despite everything, she couldn’t let go. Trembling, Madison picked up her phone and sent Neville a message. [Did you go to Alison’s again last night?]

Neville replied: [None of your business.]

Heh, an open admission, she thought. It’s really ridiculous. I was trying to warm his heart, but he’s been with Alison behind. my back all this time.”

Madison’s heart felt like it was being ripped apart. Suddenly, she felt the reality of her forced abortion seemed to make sense. Perhaps the unborn child knew better not to be born into this tangled mess.

Madison suddenly laughed, yet tears streamed down between her fingers. This will be the last time I shed tears for Neville. My love for him is extinguished from this day forward, she said inwardly.

Hearing the sound, Regina and Daisy entered the room. They were taken aback by Madison’s manic laughter and tear- streaked face.

Regina said, “What the hell are you doing? Hurry up and go cook!”

“If you want to die, die far away. Don’t drag us down! Daisy cursed.

for you in the past as a good deed, but from now on, I won’t bestow my kindness because you don’t deserve it. And listen up, I won’t die, and I will strive to stand where

cool response. “You’ve lost your mind. you b*tch. I’ll make sure

sneered, “Great. Even if he doesn’t put forward it, I will

how eager you were to offer your kidney

family knew that Madison was infatuated with Neville.

and call. At a mere wave from him, she would come running. Even if he had asked for her life, Madison probably would have willingly

Madison would abandon

Cutter 2

“I was blind and foolish

when Madison coldly said, “Get lost. I feel disgusted

was about to let

her seem as if she would kill them

never seen

before?” Daisy asked. She was shocked by

off since yesterday. Maybe she’s out of her mind. Neville will deal


said, “Mom, do you think she found out about

beat, but thinking that Neville was cautious and could even deceive Aidan Preston, his grandfather, Regina didn’t believe he’d spill his secret

stay in the Preston


room, Madison also sent a text to Neville. [Let’s

received a reply from Neville. [What tricks are you

she did was just to get his attention. ‘Indeed, the past me was too pathetic and subservient,

some clothes and went

sitting on the sofa watching a drama. At the sound of footsteps, they both looked

chores yet. Where are you

for them in a few days.

if you come crawling back, I won’t

“You’re overthinking I’m not foolish enough

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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