Chapter 9

After the phone call connected, Madison gritted her teeth and said, “Neville, what do you want?”

Neville’s tone remained unapologetic as he coldly uttered, “You were supposed to handle these things. Now, because of your disturbance, my plans have been disrupted, and I’ve even forgotten which medicine I should take?

His words implied that Madison’s responsibilities included managing such matters, and now, since he couldn’t locate his stomach medicine, he placed the blame squarely on her shoulders.

This was indeed Neville’s style, always arrogantly blaming everything on her, including her falling in love with him and marrying him. It seemed everything was her own doing.

Madison couldn’t hear it and retorted, “Neville, we are on the brink of divorce. It’s high time you learn to take care of your

own affairs!”

Madison refused to be treated as Neville’s maid, obligated to cater to his every need. She decided to let him face the consequences of his choices.

After hanging up, Madison directly blocked Neville’s WhatsApp and phone number, hoping to have some peace of mind.

However, due to this disturbance, she lost her sleepiness. Madison got up and started organizing files, preparing for the company’s bidding the next day.


Madison opened her suitcase, she noticed several boxes of medication with her handwriting on them.

These were the medications she prepared for Neville.

Three years ago, Neville had a kidney transplant and needed lifelong medication. Additionally, due to his frequent business. trips, he developed stomach problems.

However, he preferred to handle more paperwork rather than read the medication instructions. Every time he went on a business trip, she meticulously labeled the dosage and precautions on the medicine boxes.

Habits were indeed a terrifying thing. She tried to sever all ties with Neville, but some things were deeply ingrained in her


Neville, upon hearing the word “divorce” over the phone, furrowed his brows.

He thought, “It seemed that she was getting bolder and bolder. She is threatening me with a divorce. Who does she think she is? If we get a divorce, it should be me to bring it up”

number had been blocked. His face instantly darkened. ‘She’s been trying to push my limits lately. She’s truly biting off more than

this moment, Bernard’s phone vibrated. He glanced at it and cautiously handed it to Neville, saying, “Mr. Prestoit, it’s Miss

Guzman’s message.

Neville’s cold gaze, shivering in

content of the message did

thought. She has already prepared the medicine for me, yet she wants to play tricks. If it’s to get my attention, it’s


her obedience. After

Preston, Miss Guzman has always kept you in mind.

scanned him and said, “What are you waiting for? Go

complied, but just as he was about to leave,

medicine alone


why Neville got into the car if he didn’t plan to go, Bernard didn’t

Bernard glanced at Neville, who wore an indifferent expression. He understood Neville’s intention. He cared about

go on his own and knocked on Madison’s

after, the

tell him that I am about to divorce him and I don’t want to be involved with him.”

boxes of

originally intended to throw away those boxes but changed

Madison had

Neville received the medicine, he noticed that the medicine box seemed to have been scratched by a sharp object, making her

he saw this, Neville couldn’t

she say anything?” he asked.

wary of repeating Madison’s words word–for–word, chose to be more subtle. “Miss Guzman’s hoping you take care of yourself.

smirked, then handed him a box of

didn’t have any change, so he picked

like sweets, he might as well give

Madison would think he cared about her if she knew he remembered her liking for mango.


with his work phone. [Fairness

Madison received the message, Bernard had just handed her the mango mousse. She sneered and threw

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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