Chapter 24

Alison was almost drenched. Her delicate makeup was washed away, and her white dress was stained with wine. Under the lights, she looked extremely embarrassed.

What made her even more embarrassed was that there wasn’t a single person willing to help her.

Madison coldly warned, “Miss Conner, this time it’s red wine, but next time it might be cold knives. Be careful with your


Alison was shaking with anger, but with Neville present, she couldn’t flare up. She could only pretend to look pitiful and whimper. “I don’t know what I did to make you so angry.”

Madison sneered. For years, Alison had been pretending to be weak and innocent. Madison found it disgusting.

Pinching her nose suddenly, Madison said to everyone. “I won’t disturb your fun. I can’t stand the smell of an angelic b*tch”

Alison was angry at Madison’s words.

After Madison left, Micah couldn’t help but burst into laughter. “Damn, Madison is truly something. How did I not notice she was so eloquent? She just hit the nail on the head.”

Ryan glanced at Neville and said, “She’s probably stimulated by the divorce.”

Bryan patted Neville’s shoulder. “Speaking of which, it’s all thanks to Neville. Such a gentle lady had become a fierce woman because of you. It’s quite exciting to watch.”

Neville’s face darkened. “Get lost!”

Embarrassed and angry, Alison would only feel more humiliated if she stayed any longer. So she found an excuse to leave.

Neville and his friends left one after another.

Micah’s driver was late, so he got into Neville’s car, saying, “Neville, give me a ride.”

Neville rubbed his throbbing temples and said, “Just don’t talk too much, and I might consider it.

Micah couldn’t hold back and asked, “What do you think about Madison embarrassing Alison tonight?”

him, “We are

mouth and forgot that they had

still has feelings for you. Otherwise, she

squinted. “Are you saying she’s jealous?”

course. She liked you for so long. How can she just let go? If you like her, be bold and pursue her. It’s not a big deal for a man to revisit

see that

Madison begged him to come back, he wouldn’t spare her

get back with

Neville felt that his mood had improved

thought, Jealousy? Indeed, she’s just

Chapter 21


saw Neville and Alison, and

on between you and

and they knew that Madison wouldn’t provoke trouble.

briefly explained what Harrison had done to

“Damn, that jerk’s relatives are also scum. How

Alison is behind all this. What kind of

such a


felt a wave of

care. He was honeymouthed, so Aidan doted

an enemy of the Preston family. Coupled with being Neville’s

And Madison would

for Madison. Alison’s plan was vicious. She wanted to make

a wicked scheme, hitting two birds with one

I questioned Harrison, I kept the evidence. If Alison wants to provoke me in the future. I’ll make sure she

had won Neville’s heart and was even pregnant with his child,

in the past, letting everyone think she was an

o the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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