Chapter 32

Neville seemed to be saying, “So, you degraded yourself just to get my attention and seek compensation, didn’t you? Well, your goal is achieved now.”

Madison laughed with mockery. “Neville, on what grounds do you think I’m so lowly that I can only survive on your charity and pity?“.

Her laughter was stunning, even when mocking others. She was no longer the weak lady as she used to be.

Neville said, “If you don’t want compensation, I can consider…” He could consider getting back together with


But before he could finish his sentence, Madison’s cold scoff interrupted him, “Mr. Preston, put away that bit of pity. I think Miss Conner might need it more than I do.”

Madison pushed Neville away without looking back and walked towards the crowd.

Annoyance filled Neville’s heart as he stared at her leaving back. “Ungrateful!” he scolded.

The crowd took a while to react when they saw Neville pull Madison away.

Neville was the fantasy of all the women in Norxton.

He usually kept a low profile and rarely appeared in public.

But Neville actually took Madison away.

They thought there must be some shocking secret behind this.

The internet celebrities Daisy called over surrounded Micah when they saw him.

“Mr. Myers, what’s the relationship between Mr. Preston and that woman?”

“Are they in a romantic relationship?”

“Mr. Preston looked so handsome just now. That woman matches Mr. Preston quite well in terms of looks. It’s just that she is out of his league. Is she Mr. Preston’s lover?”


Emergency cans oy

Chapter 32


handsome and wealthy. Even if he has a lover, he wouldn’t let her buy knockoff goods.”

felt a headache and ordered the security personnel to disperse the

shouted, “She’s back!”

immediately swarmed around

have forgotten the bet Madison had with Kara and others. The discussion topics all revolved around gossip

chin and said coldly. “I have no personal grievances with Mr. Preston. If you want to know our


“He was sort of my

family, she was a maid and a cleaner. For Neville, she was just a tool in bed. In the three years of

these words, his handsome face instantly darkened.

aside, wanted to laugh but dared not. But the


lot. She scolded Neville without

wanted Madison to streak in front

what kind of

task. Just take off her clothes together. After the thing is done, I’ll buy each of you a

the others couldn’t wait to strip off Madison’s

fulfill your promise!”

that if your items were fake, you would streak.

beauty, we’ve been waiting here for a long time. Do you want our help? We can help you


Chapter 32


a faint smile, “I said, I charge a lot. You can’t afford this price. As for whether my things are genuine or not, you’ll find out later,”

suspects that you used someone

never seen such a shameless person. She still refuses to admit that

the timing was right, sent out the pre–prepared

moment, someone exclaimed, “Norna Gaye, the chief designer for Collins, just

from Collins, including the woven bag and the


it doesn’t mean it’s genuine. Her bag and scarf might be defective goods circulating in the market.

are probably a super VIP. A maid like her struggling with life can’t

accusations from the crowd poured in, but the clerk looked nervous. She had suspected Madison’s items were knockoffs because


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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