Chapter 113
Alison then sent a screenshot of her conversation with Jacob to the group chat of her best friends.
[Oh my g o d, she must be mad. She even dares to fake Mr. Cooper’s seal to raise her status.]
[That’s better. She can’t raise herself but she definitely can let herself fall. Poor girl, don’t pretend to be rich.]
[Girls, we have to do something. Get her out of Norton!]
[That’s right. Anyway, Mr. Parker will personally come and expose her trick later. We must give her the last blow!]
[That’s right. She robbed Alison’s man. Nasty b i t c h!]
A man immediately stood up and looked at Madison provocatively. “Miss Guzman, there’s a rule in the auction. If the item doesn’t belong to you, you have to tell us where it came from. Otherwise, if you auction something of unknown origin. The bidders will be in trouble.”
Madison said calmly, “I have some personal relations with Mr. Cooper. He gave me this seal.”
“Oh, is that so? I think this is just an object that has just been carved one or two years ago. By the way, Mr. Cooper has been missing for three years. How are you going to explain it?”
Madison raised her eyebrows. So she met an expert here.
This seal was indeed carved by her just two years ago. She still had many such items, so she casually took one as an auction item.
Seeing that Madison had fallen silent, that man grew more imposing.
“If you can’t explain the origin of the seal, it is a stolen item or a counterfeit. Mr. Cooper disappeared three years ago. I suggest that Miss Guzman turn yourself in. It’s a serious deal.
“Since it’s an item that perhaps was made last year, it must be a fake. You brought a copy to the auction. You’re degrading yourself and Mr. Preston.”
Madison immediately fell into a dilemma. When she took out this seal, she did not consider it thoroughly, What surprised her even more was that Sebastian Cooper had disappeared for three years but his legend was still remembered by people.
Facing people’s provocation, Neville reached out and pressed her head against his chest. He said in a low voice, “Madison, beg me.”

As long as she begged him, he would find a way to help her out.
Madison was so angry that she almost laughed. This d a m n man was so eager for her to be his groveling s l a v e.
She pushed him away. “Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Preston. I’ll settle it myself.”
Neville sneered. “Are you going to admit that you stole this thing, or are you going to admit that it’s a fake?”
This has nothing to do with Mr. Preston”
Neville felt disappointed at this heartless woman. He tugged at his tie angrily. “I’ve given you a chance. Don’t come back crying and begging me later!”
He was certain that when things got out of control, she would definitely come back and beg him again!
Madison said calmly, I’m afraid I’ll have to let you down, Mr. Preston.
Just as she was about to explain it, a woman had already rushed onto the stage and smashed the seal on the ground.

is a charity event. It’s enough if you’ve done your best. But how dare you! Donating a counterfeit? Aren’t you kidding us?” The person Mr. Cooper. 51% who rushed onto the stage was the assistant of the auction tonight, Dahlia Eaton. She was also a die-hard fan of Everyone immediately looked at Madison with disdain. Madison narrowed her eyes coldly. “You’re over!” Dahlia sneered and said, “What a joke. Although the material of your seal is excellent, it’s a fake. According to the rules of

Dahlia’s anger soared. She picked up the broken seal and showed it to people. “Although this seal is made up of an old jade, the carvings on it haven’t exceeded two years. And I’m a die-hard fan of Mr. Cooper, so I surely can recognize the work of my idol!”
Madison smiled. “Oh, so you’re a die-hard fan of Mr. Cooper. How much do you think this seal is worth if it’s authentic?”
“If it’s authentic, it’ll be priceless. After all, the seal is made of a rare material. Moreover, Mr. Cooper’s carving skills are so exquisite. He craves for the heaven. It has to be at least 2 million dollars.”
Madison nodded. “Since you’re a die-hard fan of Mr. Cooper, I’ll give you a base price. You just have to compensate me 2 million dollars.”
the au
mediately flew into a rage and said, “Are you kidding me? Do you want to use a fake in exchange for the value of
c one? This is simply a blatant scam!”
Someone below the stage also jeered, “I’ve never seen such a shameless person. She is auctioning off a fake and even tried to extort others. Shame on you!”
“Instead of wasting your time here, why don’t you think about how to please a man and get that fool to find a real one to auction?”
Facing people’s ridicule, Madison did not show any panic on her face. She only smiled arrogantly. And her complacent expression made people even more angry.
Neville took off his watch and was about to hand it to the staff when Madison suddenly grabbed his hand.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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