Chapter 121

Madison smiled. ‘People all used to blind and stamp on s h i t when we were young and ignorant. But no one is willing to stamp it twice.”

Neville’s face instantly became gloomy. Did she just compare him to s h i t?

A cold glina flashed across his eyes. Then, he pinched her chin and lowered his head to kiss her fiercely.

Madison was caught off guard by his kiss. By the time she reacted, the man had already fiercely become a dominant king. No matter how she struggled, she could not break free from his control.

In a moment of desperation, Madison bit his lips hard. The taste of blood instantly spread in their mouths.

While the man was in pain, Madison suddenly pushed him away. Her eyes were filled with anger. “Neville, are you crazy?”

Neville used his fingers to diffuse the blood at the comer of her lips, making her lips look even more beautiful. He mocked himself, “Miss Guzman, how does it feel to kiss a s h i t?”

Madison immediately understood that his kiss carried a sense of revenge. He was indeed a man who would seek revenge for anything

“Neville, don’t make me look down on you!”

She then turned around and left. Just as she took a few steps, she remembered that her diary was still kept by him. She immediately said coldly. “Return the diary to me!”

“The diary is in my room. Would you like to come with me to take it?”

“Forget it. I don’t want to cause any misunderstanding anymore. I’ll wait for you in the hall.”

Madison then pressed the elevator button and quickly disappeared from Neville’s sight in her high heels.

He looked up and saw the wound on his lips through the clean mirror. He chuckled softly.

The woman was getting wild, but she was much more interesting than before.

After returning to his room, he took out the diary from the drawer.

This diary was quite thick, and the cover was a little old. If the maid hadn’t discovered this when she was cleaning the attic, he wouldn’t have known that she had the habit of writing in a diary.

s h i t, Neville immediately narrowed his eyes. He wanted to

were filled with smiles and the corners of

lines were filled

woman was indeed a creature who did

That was why she

closing the notebook, Neville walked out


Chapter 121

he had been looking for

moment, the elevator door opened and Neville walked in with a smile

heart. This b a s ta r d had indeed learned

diary. Tve already given it to you. Don’t

What a shameless man!

threats and bribes to appear in front of her time and time again. But he claimed that it was she who had been

file. She opened it and saw

picked up her

the pause button, she magnified the image and realized that this

tonight, not only would she have been beaten up by Mrs. Parker as a mistress, but she would also have faced

simply sinister and ruthless. She took advantage of Mrs. Parkert to achieve

she did not give any response, Alison would probably think that she

computer and hacked into the Conner Group. After checking the inside data, she realized that the finances of the various companies of the Conner Group had already been tightly linked together. A slight change

Group still tried their best to protect the clothing company even when their lives were on the line. The Conner Group had shifted its focus to real estate

immediately sold her shares in the Conner

shares of the other

she brought the design draft to the Fliwip, Ryan was not in a hurry to read it. He isked with a smile, “The turmoil


don’t quite understand

third is Neville. Miss Conner won’t ruin her company, and Neville won’t act rashly on Iccount of his friendship with Miss Conher. Therefore, the only person who would sell a

Miss Guzman.”


know how Alison provoked you last night that you attacked


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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