Ning Ran was rather amused by Zheng Lunlun’s reaction.

“What do you mean by this? This is how seniority works. You should treat me with more respect in future. I am still more senior than you after all.” Ning Ran did not care about him and put on airs.

“You wish! I will never address you as my Aunt! In your dreams!” Zheng Lunlun looked extremely anxious.

“We will put this matter aside for now. I have an important question to ask you and you have to answer me seriously.” Ning Ran grabbed onto Zheng Lunlun’s collar.

“Let go of me now! How can you be so violent! You’re a lady!”

“Let me ask you. If one day, I am in bad terms with the poker face, who’s side will you be on?”

Zheng Lunlun sulked, “Can you ask something else? This question is tricky……”

“You must give me an answer. Will you be on his side or mine?” Ning Ran did not allow him to shun this question.

“Well, I feel like this is an impossible question to begin with! It can’t happen!” Zheng Lunlun shrugged his shoulders.

“What do you mean?”

“If you think about, let’s say you really fall into bad terms with my third uncle, then it wouldn’t really matter as to whose side I will take. You’re going to lose anyway! Even if everyone from Flower City stands on your side, and you area all against Nan Chen, you’re still going to lose. So the best answer to this question is, don’t ever get into any conflict with my third uncle if you would like to live a peaceful life.” Zheng Lunlun gave Ning Ran his conclusion.

Ning Ran was hopping mad.

But she gave it a second thought and realized it somehow made sense.

“So are we good buddies?” Ning Ran stared into Zheng Lunlun’s eyes, not letting go of his collar.

“Yes, that’s for sure! Speaking of that, you haven’t been gaming with me for quite some time.”

“If we are good buddies, I’m sure you wouldn’t allow me to get hurt right?”

“What are you trying to say?” Zheng Lunlun felt empty, “You are asking me to stand on your side to be against my third uncle? I don’t mind if you provoke anyone but not if you’re thinking of provoking the most difficult person in Flower City.”

“You will not let me get hurt by anyone else right?”

if I said

you now!” Ning Ran raised

allow you to

my undercover in the Nan family!”


match for them as they’re way too powerful. I need your support to

Zheng Lunlun looked like he was

promised me just now! Are you taking back your words?” Ning Ran

words but I’ve never tried doing such a thing before. What do you what me to do? Even

I am just

not be good at this but I will


of the day, Zheng Lunlun was busy rushing to keep up with the work progress as he had left the province for a few

same as that of a first female lead, most of

Luo Fei and Zhao Mingjie in the scene, but their screen time was extremely

was already late at night when the team finished their work for

with each other so without hesitation, she hopped onto

handphone was missing upon

own number. Zheng Lunlun picked up the call.

place but Zheng Lunlun refused and asked her to come and get it from him on her

gifts which included high grade Ginseng and bird’s nest and got Ning Ran to take some back to

asked her to game with him as he said that it

Ran had no choice but to lend Cheng Xiangyun’s car to drive

did not lie to her. He really had a whole load of exorbitant

to purchase these items, it would cost over ten thousand. Now that he was giving it to Ning Ran for free,

was about to leave. However,

you thinking of leaving just

do you want? You offered me all these yourself, don’t expect me to pay you. I am

you’re going to play a few rounds with me before you leave. I need to salvage your skills. I can’t possible let you

Ran felt like she was suffering. The one with fantastic skills was her son. She was in

a four year old child and that Ning Ran had been deceiving him all along, he might just

a few rounds with Zheng Lunlun but she was defeated in

in this? Why are you getting

you said, I am not in the best state to game now.” Ning Ran

are you able to return to your usual

finish her sentence, Zheng Lunlun’s doorbell suddenly

would someone visit you so late at

with you now? What lady are you talking about? Go take a look at who that is at the door, I’m busy right now.” Zheng Lunlun replied with his

ground and walked over to look through the digital

glance, Ning Ran almost fainted from


he here? What is

sees me in Zheng Lunlun’s hotel room so late at night, he will definitely get the wrong idea. What if he throws

Lunlun’s side and kicked him, faking a low voice, “This is

face? Crazy.” Zheng Lunlun had not come to

“Your Uncle is here!”

that he jumped up from the floor,

mind? Of course he is outside. What

are doomed. What do we do? Quick,

go to if the poker face is standing right outside? If I leave, he

what shall

tell him that you’re sleeping

phone screen lit up. He looked even more anxious than before, “The call is from

it! Tell him that you’re

asleep, please leave.” Zheng Lunlun said after he picked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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