Chapter 118

“Still can’t remember anything?” Zachary asked. “Even what happened at Sultry Night?”

“What happened at Sultry Night?” Charlotte’s head was aching, trying to recall what happened. “I remember you coming to pick me up, my colleagues coaxing me, asking for you to treat them. And then we went to Sultry Night for drinks...”

She briefly paused. “They came to give toasts, I drank two glasses full and got drunk. Then, I was in the bathroom, Yolanda gave me some water and... Nothing. I can’t remember anything after that.”

At this point, Charlotte suddenly realized something. “You bastard! You took advantage of me when I was drunk!”

“Look at it again...” Zachary tapped on the screen. “Who’s actually the one being taken advantage of here?”

On the screen, Charlotte teared open his shirt and kissed him non-stop.

“Shut it off.” Charlotte covered her eyes. “This really isn’t me. Why would I do this?”

“You were drugged, you idiot.”

Zachary turned off the recorder and deleted the footage.


gave it some thought, and noticed that things in fact, did not add up. Even though she was not good at drinking, two glasses should not have

already quite feverish in the afternoon. The liquor at night only made it worse. And it felt just like how it was four

to remind her. “Your condition last night was way worse than four

would do something like this?” Zachary’s words sent shivers down Charlotte’s spine.

“Just listen.”

phone. It

guys a hundred thousand

us to do that for a mere hundred thousand? What if we get caught? The punishment is

everything. You guys just have to gang up on

be ugly. That’s why you actually need to pay

actually more beautiful than you can

gob smacked. “Oh God! Is

slow. Even when talking about

afternoon was spiked. Same goes for the water she gave you last night. She was out to get you, but you treated her like your best friend. If it weren’t

If those men even touched Charlotte, he would have

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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