Chapter 137

After Mrs. Berry left with the kids, Charlotte immediately ran back to the classroom and searched high and low for the bracelet...

She looked everywhere. The classrooms, the school field, the school bus, the toilets, and every single corner in the school compound.

With no choice but to persevere, she started to scavenge through the garbage bins. As a consequence, her clothes were later soiled full of dust and dirt.

As the sky darkened, the teachers and school workers left one after the other.

Ms. Longman tried to persuade her,” Ms. Windt, I suggest you go home in the meantime. All of us will look for it tomorrow. Additionally, I’ve sent out a notice informing all school personnel about the bracelet. If anyone finds it, it will be passed to me.”

“I plan to search for it longer.” Charlotte was overhauling the garbage tin. “Ms. Longman, don’t mind me. I’ll search for it until eight at night and I’ll leave after that.”

“Truth be told, we’ve looked around in these places...” Ms. Longman wanted to convince her further. Nonetheless, she changed her mind after she saw Charlotte’s determination. “Alright then. I have to go. Take this torchlight with you, just in case you need it.”

“Thank you.” Charlotte retrieved the torch light. “I needed this.”

Ms. Longman turned and walked away. Later, she met Ms. Cheney at the school entrance and the two immediately discussed the incident.

“A woman trying to raise three children is not easy,” commented Ms. Cheney, “where is the children’s father? He’s such an irresponsible parent...”

Longman replied, “She should be

was the result of insufficient familial education by their parents. I tried to calm her down but she threatened to

infamous for her arrogance and domineering

intended the bracelet to be a gift for Ellie. However, his mother now

law is against Ms. Windt and Ellie. Minors do not possess the legal capacity to bestow gifts, especially something that is so valuable. Therefore, the Whites

understand. Therefore, I dared not to speak up during the argument just now. Nonetheless, Mrs. Sterling shouldn’t have scolded the children in such an unscrupulous manner. When it happened, Ellie was crying and shivering with fear, it pains me to see

Ms. Windt

by having Timothy in her class. “True. A parent like this is horrifying. I have to pray to God that nothing bad happens to Timothy during

but the whole kindergarten will also be done for...”

Ms. Cheney lamented, “It’s extremely unfortunate to be involved with a family like

the two teachers tried their best to speak softly, they were unable to remain inaudible during the quiet

onto the torchlight firmly and her eyes emanated intense

knew very well that the mother-daughter duo were insidious

the audacity to hurt my children with such


Berry was calling Charlotte. She immediately took a deep breath to calm herself down. After

at the kindergarten?”

replied, “Yes. I’m searching for the bracelet. What’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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