Chapter 216

Now, Charlotte felt as if someone had stripped her naked and thrown her in the middle of the crowd; she was all exposed.

Everyone was a witness to everything she did wrong, and everyone threw all sorts of curses at her. In fact, they were even cursing at her parents, saying that they should not have brought a disgusting person like her to the world.

Even the ones who knew her were ashamed to be on her side; they felt that knowing her was a humiliation by itself as well.

At that very moment, Charlotte was someone who was collectively despised by the whole world.

She was a shooting target that everyone was aiming at, hoping that they could cut her into bits.

Charlotte’s hand shook, and her heart was racing a mile a minute.

She was at a loss, and her mind was a barren landscape.What do I do now?

“Charlotte! Charlotte!” came Lily’s anxious cries from the other end of the line.

“Hey.” By now, Charlotte was on the verge of a breakdown as she choked out, “Lily, I was framed. What do I do?”

sorry. When I saw your video with Mr. Sterling at the start, I really thought you did it to pressurize his wife. Now that things have turned serious, the situation is disadvantageous to you. If this continues, your reputation in society will take a turn for the worst. Hurry up and talk to Mr. Sterling. Don’t delay a second more. Otherwise, those netizens are going to witch-hunt you and expose all your


continued gripping onto the phone as thousands of thoughts raced across her mind. She could not possibly call Hector, but neither could she call Zachary. Of course, it was pointless to

was left

the number that he used four years

Helena’s phone yesterday; she did not even know Michael’s new number.Unless... Should I call Helena?But will Helena get Michael for me?After all, Helena’s the

then called

creep into her heart.That’s

as she was about to give up, her call suddenly

voice came through the speakers. “Charlotte,

upon hearing Helena’s voice, a myriad of

happened last night flashed past her mind, and worries surged

split second, Charlotte wanted to ask her, “Are

that question out, fearing that she would lose her last chance

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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