#Chapter 49: Call the Midwife


After I hung up with Ethan, I felt a bit lighter with the prospect of enjoying dinner with a friend. I met Ella out in the foyer after that, and we went over to the farmers’ market.

“Come on, Moana!” Ella yelled excitedly, pulling on my hand as we crossed the street to the park that was bustling with people.

She looked absolutely adorable in her little blue and white checkered sundress and her big, floppy sun hat with the blue ribbon that wiggled when she moved her head.

The stone pathway around the park was lined with various vendor stalls as we entered. Much of it was produce and canned goods, but there were also stalls with soft pretzels, face painting for children, handmade toys and clothing, and more. I had just deposited my first paycheck from Edrick, and had some money put aside after paying off a large chunk of my student loans. I double checked before we left the penthouse this time to make sure that I had my wallet, in order to avoid a repeat of the theme park.

As the morning marched on, Ella and I slowly made our way around to all of the stalls. I bought us both soft pretzels to eat on a bench together, smiling as I watched Ella happily swinging her legs next to me, then took her to get her face painted. After that, we stopped at the stalls with the handmade toys and clothing, where I bought Ella a little handmade stuffed duck. At this stall, there was a rack of womens’ dresses for sale.

Ella reached out her little hands and tugged on one of the dresses. It was a long, flowy dress in a sky blue color.

“Moana, this is so pretty!” she said, pointing. “You could match me!”

“I take it that blue is someone’s favorite color?” the attendant asked, looking at Ella with a big smile.

Ella nodded matter-of-factly. “Mhm. I love blue.”

“I’ll tell you what,” the attendant said, standing and coming over to check the price on the tag before looking at me. “If you want to try it on, I’ll give you a twenty-five percent discount. I think this color would be lovely on you.”

“Oh, I don’t know,” I replied, feeling my face get red. “I don’t really have anywhere to wear something like that.”

“It’s just a cotton dress,” the attendant chimed in with a wink. “Besides, a pretty girl like you probably goes on plenty of dates with your husband.”

look, I

me over to the back of the tent, where there was a

it was a pretty color, and the shape was nice. Maybe I could dress it down a bit to wear as an everyday dress, or to go out for lunch on

slipped on the blue one. My eyes widened as I looked at myself in the mirror; it really was beautiful on me. It reached down to

stepped out of the dressing room

do you

lovely on you!” the attendant said as she clasped her hands together. Meanwhile, Ella squealed again

you wear it today?” Ella asked, jumping up and

tote bag, my sandals, and my sun hat, but decided

penthouse, I began to feel ill on the elevator. I hardly made it to the bathroom before I began to retch. When I was finished, I stood and leaned over the sink, taking deep breaths to soothe my nerves as the feeling of nausea lingered and the pounding in

and whirled around on my feet

voice shaking slightly from the recent vomiting spell in combination with the shock of

speaking, she suddenly walked toward me and brusquely cupped my breast in her hand with

her hand away as

are heavy. Are

my head vigorously. “I already told you

for many years, you know,” she said. “I know a pregnant

word, Selina turned on her heel

several days. I still wasn’t sure whether I wanted to bring a child into a situation like that, where it would no doubt be treated just

my bedroom and paused in front of the mirror. The blue dress really was beautiful. I turned this way and that in the mirror, admiring how the bodice fit so perfectly and how the skirt twirled when I moved — and then, without thinking, I turned to the side to look at my belly, and I imagined how it would look and feel eight months from

my hands over my belly and closed my eyes, imagining the feeling of the little one inside of me. I wondered if it would be a little girl like Ella, or a little boy. I wondered if the child

wanted children. Just…

I could bring myself to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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