#Chapter 52: The Alpha’s Gaze


“You’re not pregnant, are you?”

I froze at Ethan’s words, my eyes wide as I stuttered to come up with a response. “I– I’m not–”

Ethan, seeing my uncomfortable struggle, lowered his glass and quickly shook his head to dispel the seriousness of the suggestion he had just made.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I was only joking. Maybe that wasn’t a very appropriate thing to joke about. It’s fine if you don’t want to drink alcohol tonight.”

I tried to laugh off Ethan’s joke, but it was almost embarrassing how astute that joke actually was — if only he actually knew. Then, quickly, I fumbled in my mind to find the right excuse so as not to raise any more red flags about the reality of the situation. “I just… I need to be up early tomorrow, to take Ella to her training.”

Ethan nodded understandingly, but oddly looked a little disappointed at the same time. I watched as he silently took a sip of his wine, then set the glass down.

“I hope that’s okay,” I blurted out. “I suppose I should’ve said something before you spent the money on a bottle of wine.”

“No, no,” Ethan assured me. “It’s perfectly fine. Although, I must admit, I was secretly hoping for something.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Hoping for what?” Nothing could have prepared me for what Ethan said next.

hoping to bring you there tonight, but I suppose you can’t come since you’ve

were just two friends going out for dinner; I never thought for even a moment that he brought me here tonight with the intention of taking me home to his penthouse for the night. I supposed, then, that it

I said, frowning a little, “I thought

he nodded. “Yes. I’m sorry. I just… I guess I was hoping to have a little

the air that I felt I could cut them with a knife. Just as it was becoming unbearable, the waiter finally returned

for the gentleman,” the waiter said, abruptly ending the awkward silence,

forget our uncomfortable tension. For the first time in days, I actually wanted to eat. In fact, the food was so tantalizing,

my fork so as not to eat too fast,

bring up the awkwardness surrounding Ethan’s penthouse, and actually had a lovely time and many

back to the spot where we

a wonderful night,” I said. “Thank you for

inappropriate of me to

I nodded.

I’m a little jealous that you sleep with Edrick every night,” he said. “I know it’s just to help

actually terminated our agreement,” I interrupted. “On the night

taken aback. “I’m sorry. I hope that

head. “No. It’s alright — it was a weird arrangement anyway, so I’m glad that it’s over.” I realized, as I finished talking, that my hand was on my belly. I quickly pulled it away and got

he said, looking a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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