#Chapter 69: Shopping for Baby


One night, I was reading a bedtime story to Ella when I found myself nodding off in the chair by her bed. I didn’t wake up until a couple of hours later. She was fast asleep and I didn’t want to wake her, so I quietly got up and slipped back into my room to go back to sleep.

When I walked back into my room, I didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary, seeing as how tired I was. I moved my sketchbook aside and climbed into the covers, and quickly fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up with a headache. I groaned and sat up, rubbing my eyes, and as I did so I noticed something sitting on my bedside table that I hadn’t noticed the night before: a glass of brown liquid.

Furrowing my brow, I picked up the glass and inspected it. It was certainly one of Edrick’s whiskey glasses from his minibar, and when I sniffed its contents, I quickly realized that it was, in fact, whiskey.

I frowned. Why was there a glass of whiskey on my bedside table? I hadn’t noticed anything out of the ordinary the night before; had Edrick come into my room looking for me?

I decided that I would ask him about it later, and got up to start getting ready for the day.

When I came out of my room and walked over to the dining room, Edrick was already awake and was sitting at the dining room table with a plate of toast, a coffee, and a stack of financial reports in front of him. He looked up when I entered, and immediately I could tell that he was guilty when his eyes flickered to the now-empty whiskey glass that I’d dumped out into my bathroom sink.

in my room last night?” I asked, setting the glass down on the table in front

your light was on, so I went

much in the middle of the night that he would forget a whiskey glass on my bedside table, but before I could,

to the baby supply store while Ella is in training. You should come with me. Afterwards, we’ll pick Ella up and I’ll take you

I opted for the same blue dress I bought at the farmers’ market. As I put it on, I looked in the mirror and noticed that

outlet stores. As we pulled into the parking lot, I was a bit taken aback by all of the luxury sports cars that were parked outside. Happy families dressed in designer clothes roamed around outside as they walked from store to store, and there was a large marble fountain with a statue in the center surrounded by a small park with benches. I’d never been to outlet stores that were this nice, and even though I felt good in my dress, I still

put on his face mask again

my side of the car. He opened the car door for me and even held out his hand to help me out. As I felt my hand in his large palm, my heart started to pound and I felt

silence, during which time I felt his eyes wander down to

heel and starting to walk

baby supply store, and by the time we arrived, I was already a

parents with infants and toddlers. We began to walk around the store and look at all of the supplies, but as we did, I also looked around a bit at the other customers. I couldn’t help but notice that many of the parents with young children also seemed to have human nannies with them that were doing all of the work to take care of the children. Admittedly, it bothered me a little bit that some couples were ignoring their children while their nannies did all of the work. I was a bit grateful

long after we began shopping, an attendant came to us with a smile on her

as I walked around. I almost went to take my hand away, but then I remembered that I could

Edrick replied with a

like, you can walk around the store and use this to scan anything you want. Then,

continued to look. My jaw dropped when I spotted a lovely display with a cream-colored wicker bassinet. As I walked up to it and ran my hand along the fabric that was lined on the inside, it felt softer than anything I’d ever

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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