#Chapter 97: Treat You Better


I was so utterly, unbelievably stunned by Michael’s cruel ‘proposition’ and his rough mannerisms during our dance that I was frozen to my spot. Even as he walked away and disappeared into the crowd, I still felt as though my heart would beat straight out of my chest. I could already feel the vomit bubbling up in my throat from the fear, which was the only thing that got me moving.

I quickly ran to the bathroom, which was thankfully empty. Tears welled up in my eyes as I burst into one of the stalls and doubled over.

Nothing came up, thankfully. I gagged a bit, but that was it, so I took a deep breath and walked over to the sink to splash some cold water on my neck and try to calm down.

Surely, Michael’s threat meant nothing. Edrick would certainly handle this; I didn’t need to worry. I would tell him after the banquet so as not to ruin his fun, and for now I would just try to have some fun of my own and not think about what Michael said. I just needed some fresh air, and then everything would be better.

Taking another deep breath, I stepped out of the bathroom and followed the hallway until I came to a door that led out to the courtyard; the same one that I had danced in with Ethan at the first banquet. The air was hot, but there was a bit of a breeze. I made my way over to the fountain and sat down, letting the cool spray hit my back as I sat and tried not to cry.

“Everything okay?” a familiar voice said.

hands in his pockets and was looking

I couldn’t hide it. My eyes started to fill with tears, and my face twisted into a grimace. I covered my face with my hands, not wanting

I felt a pair of warm arms slide around me. I slowly looked up to see Ethan gazing at me with worry drawn across his face. “You can tell me,” he said gently, reaching up to tuck a strand of loose hair behind my

just… Michael,” I whispered, biting my lip for a moment. “He— He

into a scowl. I could feel his arms

his head. “Do you need me

only make things worse. Even Edrick would be upset that I confided something like this in Ethan. Edrick didn’t even know that I told Ethan about the

back. It was comforting to have a friend here at a time like this; if I told Edrick now, I knew that he would instantly go to his father and cause a scene, but I just needed some comfort and someone to confide in. I was glad to have

see him gazing at me in a way that reminded me of the night that we danced out

this time he did

lips. His lips were warm and soft, but… I didn’t have an interest in him like that. I thought that we had an understanding about that when he first mentioned his feelings for me when we went out

embrace. I stood, smoothing down my dress. “You know

think there’s a part of you that feels the same way. I can sense it. You know I can treat you and the baby so much better than Edrick does. If we were together, there would be no question about it; I would proudly take you as my wife. I would never hide you from

“No, Ethan,” I said, taking a step

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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