#Chapter 99: For Good


I was still staring into the fountain, utterly taken aback by Ethan’s sudden decision to kiss me when I just needed a friend to confide in, when I suddenly heard the sound of heels clicking across stone.

My heart dropped when I looked up and saw who was headed straight for me: Kelly.

She had a devious smirk on her face that told me everything I needed to know. She was up to something. I would have tried to get up and walk away, but she clearly saw me already and it was too late.

“Hey, Kelly,” I said, forcing a faint smile. “How are you?” I tried to be polite and ignore the fact that she was clearly wearing the exact same dress as I was, even though it made me uncomfortable to see her like that. I kept telling myself that maybe it was just a coincidence, as the store that Edrick took me to did seem expensive and popular, but I knew Kelly just enough to sense that it was completely intentional on her part. She clearly even had the dress altered to sit more tightly on her abdomen, as though she was trying to flaunt the fact that her belly was flat and slim while mine was growing.

Kelly stopped in front of me with that same smirk on her face. She had her phone in her hand and was gripping it so tightly that her knuckles were right. Now that she was up close, I could tell that there was something else behind her smirk: pure evil and hatred. Her eyes were cold and calculating.

“You know,” she said, putting her hands on her hips, “I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. I mean, it’s obvious that you’re only trying to scam poor Edrick into giving you money and social status, and he’s falling for it for some stupid reason, but I thought ‘Hey… Maybe she is just a nanny looking for work’. Turns out I was wrong, and everyone can see it. Edrick will see it, too, after tonight.”

asked, blinking incredulously. “I’m not sure if I

effectively blocking anyone from seeing me. I couldn’t help but wonder if it was intentional, as though she didn’t want anyone to see what she was about to do to me. “You’re such a

Ethan? Anyone on the outside could have been

her phone now to unlock it. “I saw you. And I


on her screen and then turned it around so I could see. My eyes widened as she did; on the screen, there was a clear picture of Ethan kissing me on the fountain. It

permission, and I rejected him,”

and his family’s life. Everyone knows what you’ve been up

All along, Kelly had been following Edrick around like a lost puppy, and his father had apparently been pushing it for years. I couldn’t help but wonder if they planned on working together tonight to push Edrick and I apart and make me go away.

you’re just jealous,” I blurted

“Jealous?” she asked, laughing abrasively. “Me? Jealous of you? That’s ridiculous! I would never be jealous of a worthless human nanny who had to go and

urging me to stand up for myself, and I did just that. Mina’s presence instilled me with newfound confidence, and suddenly I didn’t care what

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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