#Chapter 120: An Unexpected Turn of Events


I woke up the next morning after a night full of too many dreams about Edrick. If I wasn’t sure of it before, I was sure of it now after our conversation the night earlier; Edrick would never accept me as his wife. Even if he decided to have a fake relationship with someone, he would never choose me because of the glaring differences in our social status.

Even though my heart was broken, I knew that it would be for the best if I just left at that point. I couldn’t raise a baby in a home where its own father didn’t think that I was worth even having a fake public relationship with, and I certainly wouldn’t raise my baby in a home where Edrick was also living with a different woman. As I woke up that morning, I knew that it would soon come time for me to leave. I was just glad that I had been carefully saving my money for that inevitability; but I only wished that it had happened before my harrowing experience with Edrick. The way he saved me from those Rogues only made me more attached to him, and now it would be even harder for me to cut myself loose.

When I woke up, Edrick was already gone for work. In a strange way, I had hoped to wake up in his arms one last time — but I knew that it would only make things even worse, so maybe it would be better this way. At the very least, when he came home later and I informed him of my plans to leave, I wouldn’t do so with the feeling of his arms around me still fresh on my skin.

I took my time showering and getting dressed, as it was still early. Lately, the pregnancy had made me a little slower, too. My belly was beginning to protrude even more with the rapidly-growing little werewolf inside of me, which made me wonder just how long it would be before I would be the side of a small planet; maybe, I thought to myself as I got dressed, it was time for me to start doing research on werewolf pregnancies. If I was going to be going through the remainder of this pregnancy on my own without Selina or Edrick by my side to guide me, I would need to have at least some basic knowledge on how the process would work.

When I eventually emerged from my bedroom with all of these things still on my mind, however, it seemed that the universe simply felt the need to get in the way of my own train of thought.

frantic look on her face. “You have to see this.” She quickly grabbed me by the wrist before I even had a chance to react, then practically dragged me

Lily were standing in front of the television with wide

seem to acknowledge my presence. I had never seen her like that before, aside from the other day when Edrick brought me home after the incident with the Rogues, and seeing how pale her face had become frightened me and made me wonder if something

Amy whispered, pointing at the screen and tearing my attention away from

eyes, I followed Amy’s finger to the screen. There was a news channel that seemed to be playing a recap of the morning’s events; in

the screen, there was a clip of Edrick getting out of his car. The camera footage was shaky as the reporter ran up to him. He was surrounded by frantic paparazzi and

seemed to distress him a bit as he tried to sidestep around her. “Do you have

a moment, staring at the ground with a pale face as though he was losing focus; then, all of a sudden, he looked up and responded

fiancee,” Edrick blurted out into the reporter’s microphone, almost as though he didn’t even seem to consider it beforehand. “She is the mother of my eight-year-old

before Edrick disappeared that I even saw a hint of a relieved smile on his face, as though he seemed glad to have made this announcement. But why? Wouldn’t he feel embarrassed to announce a relationship with someone who not only had a much lower social status than he did, but was also,

and went instead to a news anchor sitting behind a desk while paparazzi photos of Edrick and I appeared on the screen next to

Edrick just announced that I was his fiancee? Not only that, but did he come out and say

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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