#Chapter 123: Decisions


“What if I fall in love with someone someday?” Moana asked, her green eyes full of fire and fury. “What then?”

I froze at her words. My eyes widened as what she said settled in fully, and already I felt a little bit of anger and jealousy beginning to bubble up inside of me.

Even though I partially understood what Moana meant, and that she didn’t know yet that she was my mate, what she said just then angered me. The thought of her being with anyone else, despite the fact that I knew I would never be able to get married, made me feel almost sick. I didn’t know how to respond for the longest time as a million different things whirled around inside my head.

Finally, I was able to speak.

“You’re free to make any decision you want,” I replied, feeling my blood run cold as I spoke. “But you had better be prepared to pay the price for a decision like that.”

Moana’s face fell. She glared at me intensely for several long moments, almost as though she was in disbelief, before she spoke. “Is that a threat?” she asked, instinctively placing her hand over her belly and instantly making me feel guilty for my choice of words. Of course I wasn’t threatening her; I only meant that she should be prepared to face the consequences if she chose to be with someone else. If she was going to have an issue with me being with someone else, even if it was only a fake relationship with another woman, then I felt as though I had every right to set my own boundaries as well. If she was going to fall in love with another man, then she could also leave my house to go and be with that other man.

In fact, I was frankly appalled by her sudden double standards. I wanted to tell her all of these things that were on my mind, but I was suddenly reminded of what the man in the baby supply store had said about not fighting with the mother of my child. Moana had already dealt with enough stress this early on in her pregnancy, and I wasn’t about to cause more stress by arguing with her.

All I could do was sigh. “Listen,” I said, passing my hand over my tired face. “What’s done is done. For now, you need to just go along with it and pretend to be my fiancee. We can cross those bridges when — or if — we come to them. It’s best for everyone right now if we just go through with this.”

protectively, but I knew she was also soothing herself by holding her stomach.

her waist tightly, accentuating her small waist and round hips. Maybe it was just because it had been so long since I’d been intimate with anyone, but even as she stormed out angrily, I couldn’t help but be a little turned on. Maybe now that I knew that she

door slammed shut behind her, I let out another sigh and

idea that Moana could ever love someone else; she was supposed to be my fated mate. And after everything that had happened recently, I couldn’t imagine not having her by my side. But at the same time, I knew that I would never get married, and I still wasn’t even sure if I was willing or ready to commit myself to a mate bond. Would it be best if I just cut her loose so she could be in a normal relationship with someone? If her wolf never fully emerged, then she would never know that I was supposed to be her fated mate, and I couldn’t help but wonder if it would be better for her like that. Not only

time being if we didn’t want even more unnecessary attention. If I announced my fake relationship with Moana and then she moved out and we “broke up” a week later, it would only label me as someone who couldn’t commit to anything. WereCorp stocks were already on the verge of suffering enough from

that wasn’t the only thing on

fresh, and I couldn’t let her get away with it. I knew that she would only pay off the police if I tried to turn her in, or she would feign innocence too easily, and she would never receive any

so, even though it was late, I decided to call her father

slept. He was in his office until all

answered in his usual gruff, gravelly

Mr. Anderson,” I

I owe the pleasure at this

broach the subject. I had always respected Kelly’s father. Even though he was a ruthless businessman, he was a successful and proud person, and I always looked up to him in some ways. I hated to be the bearer of bad news, especially when it came to Kelly; she was his pride and joy, and aside from

Anderson said. “You went silent. It’s about Kelly, isn’t

thing about Kelly’s father: he

“…Yes,” I replied.

did she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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