#Chapter 125: Getaway


My eyes landed on the TV in the living room, which was already showing clips of Edrick punching the paparazzi.

I felt my blood run cold as I watched it. Not only did the paparazzi spread the clips of what happened so quickly, but I felt as though it was entirely my fault. If I hadn’t made such a stupid decision to go out only a day after Edrick announced our “relationship”, then none of this would have happened. Not only that, but I put Ella in danger by deciding to take her out with me, and now she was terrified.

But when I looked over at Edrick, he didn’t look concerned in the slightest. Without a word, he calmly walked over to the television and shut it off.

“Keep the news off for today,” he said, turning to Selina and the maids. The three of them often liked to play the news on the TV in the background while they worked, but now it wasn’t the best idea after what happened. Not only would it be upsetting for Ella to see clips of her father punching someone over and over again, but it would be upsetting for the rest of us as well.

I opened my mouth to apologize to Edrick, but before I could say anything, he pulled out his phone and retreated to his study. The door slammed shut behind him and I could hear him speaking quickly. I couldn’t help but wonder who he was calling, but the door was thick and his voice was muffled. However, I could only imagine that he was calling the tabloid company like before, to pay them off for the clips. I couldn’t think of anything else that he would be doing, although I wasn’t sure how successful it would be considering the fact that the clips of him punching the paparazzi were already plastered all over the news.

Selina, the maids and I all shot each other concerned looks.

“This is all my fault,” I whispered, feeling my eyes well up with tears. “I shouldn’t have gone out there. Not with Ella, at least. I feel like an idiot.”

rubbed my back as she guided me over to a chair to sit down. Meanwhile, Ella was sitting on the couch and sniffling. Amy had given her a

and you’re not an i***t,” Selina said gently. “You’re not used to this. But let it be a lesson for the future; there’s a reason why Edrick brings bodyguards when he goes out without his

breathed deeply, trying not to

of his study a little

see that he didn’t even seem to be fuming; it almost seemed like this was nothing more than a mild inconvenience, despite the fact that he punched someone to save

week that Edrick had saved me; first the Rogues, and now the paparazzi. I couldn’t help but feel a bit awed by

quickly stood and looked at him, my brow furrowed with anxiety. “Edrick,

damn tabloids have done in the past, everyone will take our side. And maybe, they’ll leave us alone from now on.” He paused then, sipping his tea, and glanced over at Ella.

wouldn’t hurt

eyebrows, surprised by

this. It’s a nice, quiet place to go when the city gets to be

by the fact that he had just invited me on a small vacation away from the city. Even after I put his

wouldn’t be able to do that if I was cooped up inside this penthouse for days until the media calmed down. Besides, I remembered visiting the mountain estate during my interview; it was stunning there. The mansion was surrounded by nature, the air smelled like pine trees, and the mansion itself was stunning. Maybe I could even

I walked over to his bedroom in my

“Come in,” he called.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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