#Chapter 131: Under Pressure


Even though I was enjoying spending time at the mountain estate, it seemed that maybe it wasn’t very safe here right now. Edrick didn’t say much about it, but he seemed to be worried ever since that wolf came after Ella and myself, and I couldn’t help but wonder if he knew something that I didn’t. I trusted Edrick to make the right decisions, so when he told me that it was best for us to return to the penthouse for now, I agreed. My only regret was that I didn’t have any time to paint while we were there, and I hoped that I would have another chance to paint soon.

When we finally arrived back at the penthouse, it was already late that night. Selina and the maids prepared a quick meal, but I was too tired and uneasy after what happened to have much of an appetite, and only wanted to go to sleep. Ella was hardly keeping her eyes open, too, so I put her to bed before heading over to Edrick’s room to get some sleep myself.

I couldn’t stop myself from feeling worried, though. Edrick had been extremely quiet ever since what happened in the forest; in fact, he had been quiet ever since his father called him that morning. I couldn’t help but wonder if it was because of me, and if this would mean that he would distance himself from me again.

“Don’t worry,” Mina said, noticing my anxiety. “He’ll come around. He just needs a little time. But I know that he cares about you deeply, so you shouldn’t worry about it too much.”

Even though I wasn’t entirely sure if I believed Mina, I supposed that she had never been wrong about this sort of thing before. Maybe she was right; maybe Edrick just needed a little time to come around and sort some things out. He had already shown me so many times just how much he cared about me. The way he treated me at the mountain estate, even after the horrible things I said to him when he announced our “relationship” and after I put Ella and my baby in danger by being exposed to the paparazzi, he had still treated me lovingly, almost like his real wife. Even as I laid there now, waiting for him to come to bed, I could still feel his warm arms around me from that morning and I could still see the softness in his eyes.

came to bed. I found that it was becoming more and more difficult to sleep without him ever since the incident in the Rogue district, and so I stayed awake in bed, waiting for him with my eyes fixed on the canopy above the bed. It was well after midnight now, and I still hadn’t seen or heard him, so I began to get worried. I thought that maybe he fell asleep at his desk or got too absorbed in work to notice what time it was, so I quietly got out of bed

bit of light pouring out from underneath the door, and I

raised, and it sounded strained

exasperated. “Just admit it. Were you just trying to scare them, or are you actually such

he was listening. Was he talking to his father? It sounded as though he was referring to the incident with the wolf earlier that day. I had thought that it was just a random wolf that happened to stumble upon

me here to protect them. If you want to hurt them, you’ll have to hurt

his father really sent a

supposed that I should have expected that he wanted to hurt me. I was, after all, a threat to his family’s image. But to put his granddaughter, as well as an unborn child, in harm’s way… It made me sick. I instinctively put my hand over my belly protectively as though that would be any help if Michael were to try to harm us again, and wondered if he would only

as I stood there in the darkness outside his study door, wondering if I should go in there and talk to him. I knew that he needed someone to be there for him, and I understood his frustrations. If I could only show him that he could

would go in there and talk to

to put my hand out to knock

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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