#Chapter 165: Overexcited


After I handed the headmistress of Ella’s new school my resume, I went home with a big smile on my face.

Even if I didn’t wind up getting the job due to my lack of teaching experience, this was still a step in the right direction. After spending years being unable to get decent jobs due to my low status as a human, it seemed as though potential employers might start actually taking me seriously. I knew that most of it had to do with the fact that I was now publicly Edrick’s “fiancee”, but I didn’t care. To me, it was still a win.

As the day went on, however, I went from excited to downright nervous. Every time I started to think about it, knowing that the headmistress may have been talking to Sophia for my reference at any moment, I felt my heart start to race. I tried to stay calm, but this combination of excitement and nervousness made it incredibly difficult to focus on anything else that day.

By the evening, I still hadn’t heard back. I didn’t expect to hear back for at least another day, but it still made me feel even more worried. What if the headmistress simply never responded to my application? It was a terribly common practice for employers to never respond to applications, and despite the fact that Ella would be a student at that school in just a few weeks, I supposed that I wasn’t immune to that. I just hoped that wouldn’t be the case.

Eventually, Edrick came home from work. I was sitting on the sofa in the living room and trying to read when I heard the whir of the elevator doors opening.

“Daddy!” Ella yelled, jumping up and running over to him excitedly. I heard the sound of her kissing him on the cheek, followed by Edrick’s voice as he asked her how her day was. Ella seemed to be whispering something to him, and a few moments later, the Alpha billionaire walked into the living room with Ella in his arms.

“Ella told me that you’re waiting for something special news,” Edrick said to me, raising an eyebrow. “What is it?”

I felt my face go red. I hadn’t planned on saying anything unless I got the job, but I should have known that Ella would spill the news as soon as possible. She was only eight, after all, and it was a bit naive of me to think that she was capable of keeping a secret for more than five minutes.

“Um…” I swallowed and set down my book, then nervously fiddled with my braid. “I applied for the art teacher position this morning. The headmistress said that she would call Sophia, my reference.”

from stoic to surprised, but I couldn’t help but notice that


Moana to be my real teacher!” Ella exclaimed. “Then we can go

Ella’s excitement. Edrick then sent Ella to her room to get ready for dinner, and when he turned back

back yet?” he asked once we were alone

my head and bit my lip. “No. Probably not until

cue, my phone began to buzz on the coffee table. I fell silent, my eyes widening when I saw the unsaved number on my phone. No one except for Sophia ever called me, and I had her name saved in my phone. Unless this was a scam call, it

asked, noticing my hesitation. “Aren’t you going to

hand shook as I picked up my phone and tapped on the screen to answer it, and it took all of my strength not

“Hello?” I answered.


eyes widened even further and I stood involuntarily. “Yes,”

had a lot of nice things to say

let out a wild whoop of excitement, but I clamped my hand over my mouth and just stared at Edrick with wide eyes. He was leaning on the doorframe with his arms folded across his chest. Even Selina and the maids were poking their heads curiously

so much,” I said, hardly able to contain my excitement. “I accept. I can’t wait to

the maids begin to dance around excitedly in the background while Selina stared at me

“You can come by anytime within the next week and sign your paperwork. Once that’s done, you

with anything else

hung up and continued to stare at

get it,” he said

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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