#Chapter 170: Fishing for Information


“If you don’t mind me asking, what made Edrick suddenly decide to have a public relationship and announce you as Ella’s biological mother?”

My eyes widened at Ethan’s sudden question. It was rather unexpected and, despite the gentle and curious tone of voice he used and the innocent redness in his soft cheeks, I found his question downright creepy. After everything that had happened with Ethan both leading up to and during the last party when he kissed me without my consent, I didn’t think for a moment that any sort of question like that wasn’t loaded in some way or another. The fact alone that he suddenly showed up at my place of work — and I didn’t even fully know how he knew that I worked here yet — was enough of a cause for concern.

“Um… I mean, I am pregnant with his child,” I responded with a bit of a nervous laugh, and gestured at my belly — which had grown a bit since I last saw Ethan and now couldn’t be hidden terribly well under my dress. “It was the most logical thing to do, I guess.”

Ethan nodded slowly, but didn’t answer right away. He then pushed himself up off of the desk he was leaning on and walked over to a corkboard that I had on the wall, which displayed some of my students’ artwork. He studied it carefully, and seemed to be thinking. I noticed that his eyes landed on something that Ella drew, and I knew that he knew that it was her drawing because her name was on it in big, crooked letters. He continued staring at it for a few moments, which made me oddly uncomfortable, before he turned back to face me and smiled.

“Well, I’m glad that you two figured something out that works for you,” he said. He paused, licking his lips. “It’s just… I don’t know. Edrick was always part of the whole anti-human crowd. So much has changed about him recently. I mean, I was already surprised enough when he wanted you to live with him and keep the baby, but to announce a public relationship with a human and to claim that you’re Ella’s biological mother—”

asked, feeling myself getting more agitated. Part of me wanted to snap at him and tell him that I wasn’t even a human, but I didn’t feel

“Nothing, really. Well… That’s a lie, actually.” He let out a wry chuckle. I folded my arms across my chest, trying to make him aware that I was losing patience without outright telling him off, but he didn’t seem to notice. “I’m only curious because I thought that there was something special about you, Moana. I could sense it on you. Maybe Edrick already knows, or maybe he doesn’t realize it — maybe you yourself don’t even realize it — but I just want to say that if you happen to need any help figuring out your lineage, or anything like

my leg? Either way, it felt as though he was fishing

I’m not sure if you know this, but Kelly did hire Rogues to attack me. Edrick had to save me. So if you’re wondering why we suddenly decided to have a public relationship, then maybe it was because that whole terrible ordeal traumatized both of us so much

if he already knew about the ordeal in the Rogue district or if that whole experience had been kept a secret, but either way, I didn’t care. At this point, I just wanted him out of my classroom; my lunch break was almost over and

you for the flowers, but I do need to get back to work,” I said, trying to sound at least somewhat polite without giving the impression that I was even remotely

get the picture. He nodded slowly and, without a word,

that ordeal was enough to exhaust me, and now that it was over I felt deflated. I placed my hand over my belly and rubbed it gently, soothing both myself

know it’s hard, but I need you to try to get stronger. I’m tired of having to hide my true nature, and I’m tired of feeling helpless when Edrick isn’t

respond, but I knew that she heard me. Whether or not she would be able to heed my words was still up for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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