#Chapter 205: …But Satisfaction Brought It Back


With an exasperated sigh, I picked up my phone to call my chief security officer.

“Afternoon, Mr. Morgan,” he said when he answered. “Everything alright?”

“Yes,” I replied. “But I need a favor. Do you have any female bodyguards you could send over for an interview?”

The chief security officer paused for a moment, thinking. “I do,” he replied. “I can send them over tomorrow. Is there anything you need them for specifically?”

I sighed again, thinking back on the incident with Moana and the male bodyguard that I had assigned to her. She clearly felt uncomfortable with him, and it was obvious that the other teachers and students were uncomfortable as well. All I wanted was for Moana to be protected, but it wasn’t going to help any if she kept pushing away the bodyguards.

“I need someone who can work closely with my… fiancee,” I replied, still feeling strange about referring to Moana as that. Even though we had marked each other and had become a lot more affectionate since it had happened, we were still technically not in any sort of official relationship. At least, we hadn’t talked about it yet. “She needs someone who can be helpful with kids, and someone who’s easy to get along with but who will also provide good protection. Do you have anyone like that?”

I could hear him typing on a keyboard on the other

it?” I

family settings,

over to the penthouse tomorrow,” I

Perhaps having a female bodyguard who was good with kids might lift Moana’s mood and make her feel a bit more comfortable. Not only that, but maybe I could finally rest easy during the day knowing that Moana had an experienced bodyguard by her side in case of an emergency… Although part of me felt as though I would never really rest easy. Not as long as I still had to worry that Moana

se, but I needed her to understand why it was so important for her to be more open to this new bodyguard. When she came home that afternoon, however, judging from the angry expression on her face and the way that she stormed

me by the arm and pulling me unceremoniously into my study. When the door was shut behind us, she folded her arms across her chest and shot me an

Yesterday, he mistook another red-haired teacher for me. Today, one of my students started crying because she was scared of the enormous man on the

a bodyguard. I don’t feel comfortable with you and Ella returning to school with

shift,” she insisted. “I think that I would

recognize the warning signs. Many people can lose consciousness during their first time shifting, and their wolf can cause a lot of damage. Normally, people shift for the first time as children, in a safe environment with teachers. But as a late bloomer such as yourself, things are different. I understand

of her cheek. “Fine,” she finally said

my eyebrows, shocked at this sudden use of words. “What are you talking

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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