#Chapter 216: Worried Sick


“Moana… What happened?” Selina asked as she looked around at the mess in my room with wide eyes. Scattered all around us were countless violent, graphic drawings that I somehow scribbled out in an unconscious state, even though I had absolutely no recollection of any of it. I didn’t know how to respond, because I didn’t even know what happened. All I could do was stand there, frozen, and stare at Selina.

Selina slowly came into my room and set the tray of food down. “Are you okay?” she whispered.

I nodded. As I did, I already felt that all-too-familiar sensation of hot tears pricking at the backs of my eyes. “I don’t know what happened,” I finally managed to say. “One moment I was just sitting in my bed and drawing in my sketchbook, and then it was like I blinked and my whole room was just covered in… whatever this is.”

The old housekeeper looked around with a wide-eyed gaze for a moment. “I’m so sorry,” I said quietly as I began to stoop to pick up all of the discarded papers. “I made a huge mess.”

However, Selina just shook her head and took the papers out of my hands. She set them down beside the food and then guided me over to my bed. “I’m calling the doctor,” she said. “Stay here.”

Within half an hour, the doctor was standing by my bedside. Selina had already cleaned up all of the papers. She didn’t say anything in particular about the contents of the violent and graphic images, but I could tell that she was deeply concerned by them. The doctor looked at a few after he took my vitals, and sighed.

are fine,” he said gently as he flipped through the drawings. As he did, I felt my face go red from embarrassment. It did seem, at the very least, as though Selina

then gave me a worried look. “I can only reiterate that you need to see a therapist,” he said. He paused, then made a sound to himself under his breath and pulled out his notepad. I watched as

this?” I asked, looking up at

His methods are a bit… out there, so

furrowed my brow. “What sort of methods are you

the doctor replied. “Some people see it as more of a fringe science, but his clients have all had very good results from what I’ve heard. Give it

firmly in my hand. Hypnotherapy… It wasn’t exactly something that I had ever thought of trying, but

the physical or emotional energy to get up and try to eavesdrop. All I knew was

hand out for me to take

asked as I pointed nervously at the

medicine,” she replied. “Some rest will do you some good right now, I

episode. I didn’t even want to imagine what it would be like if

the pills, Selina tucked me into my bed and headed back toward my door with a drawn

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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