#Chapter 231: Shifting Early


I felt my eyes go wide at Kat’s proposition.

“Really?” I asked quietly. “You could actually help me shift… today?”

Kat nodded with a smile on her face. “It’s easy,” she replied. “You could get it over with really quickly.”

I could feel my wolf reacting strongly to this. It had felt as though Mina was coming close to shifting for a while, ever since Edrick and I marked each other, but it still hadn’t happened. And maybe, just maybe… shifting could finally make all of this ambiguity stop.

“What do you think?” I asked Mina.

She seemed excited. “We should do it,” she replied. “I’ve been feeling stuck, like I keep coming close to shifting but I just can’t make it happen all the way. This could be what I need… And I trust Kat.”

I agreed with Mina. With a smile, I nodded at Kat. More than anything, I was just excited to finally be able to shift. Maybe then, Edrick wouldn’t think that I was so incapable of taking care of myself.

Maybe if I shifted, I could actually be my own person again, and not a damsel in distress who needed a man to protect me.

“Let’s do it,” I finally said.

Kat grinned, then glanced over her shoulder at the house. We were still within sight of the house itself despite being in the forest a little ways. Suddenly, she took my hand and began to lead me deeper into the forest.

“Where are we going?” I asked. The deeper into the forest we walked, the more quickly the air temperature lowered. Soon, I let out a little shiver just from the chill in the pine-filled air.

help induce the shifting process. We need wolfsbane and valerian roots. It shouldn’t be too hard to find either of those

for the right plants that we needed. However, pretty soon the gap in the trees where we could see the

a bit clueless about all of this, but Kat seemed to know where she was going, and so I decided not to cause a fuss. As we kept walking further into the forest, I

almost a sort of static electricity to the air, like

let go of my hand for a moment to stoop down behind a log and

started to whip my hair around me even through the trees, which only

flowers in her hand. They were a dark purple color, and she held

already found some wolfsbane. Valerian might be a little more difficult to find, but we should be

Okay,” I replied. I felt reassured by my bodyguard’s warm smile, and followed her once again as she started walking down a gradual slope with the wolfsbane in her

the valerian?” I asked. “Do we make

simply ingest them, so long as

after that,

hollow tree trunk. She muttered something to herself, then stood and started

minutes before you shift,” she said. “It’ll be easier if you shift out here. I’ll keep an eye on you, so if it gets to

that I felt a little nervous about all of this; I wanted Edrick by my side when I shifted for the first time. It was scary to know that he wouldn’t be next to me when I shifted, and when I looked up, I

fall. It was just a drizzle now, but I could tell from

think we should go back, Kat,” I finally said, stopping. “Maybe we can get the valerian tomorrow. This oncoming storm is making me

me with a concerned look on

somewhat stern. “He’ll just make up an excuse or

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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