#Chapter 246: The Patriarch’s End


I hated to say it, but Moana looked more beautiful than ever as she practically assaulted my evil father on the back lawn.

“He’s no threat,” she said as she released her grip on his shirt and let him fall back to the ground, then turned and walked back to meet me. “The knife is gone. He’s just an angry old man now and nothing more.”

Moana was right; the knife was indeed gone. It shattered when Michael tried to stab her with it.

During those moments when the knife was plunged into her belly, it felt as though my heart stopped. I watched in horror as the knife disappeared into her belly. When my father pulled it out, it was covered in blood and he had a maniacal grin on his face.

But something happened then. She became enveloped in that golden light again, only this time it was even brighter and more blinding than before. I thought she was dying, but it turned out that she healed instantly. If my father had stabbed her just milliseconds earlier, he certainly would have killed her.

She was already shifting by the time he stabbed her. Although the knife pierced her skin, the wound closed immediately on its own. I remembered seeing the golden light grow. The knife burst into a million pieces. Shards of it went flying through the air and rained down on my father and me like a hailstorm.

I didn’t remember anything after that other than my consciousness fading in and out of existence as Moana tried to heal me.

I thought for sure that I would die. And I did die, for a short time. But not for long. Moana persevered, just like she always did. When I woke up, she was standing over me as I laid on the dining table, and all I wanted to do was kiss her.

She was like my guardian angel.

my father. I didn’t want him to die. I wanted him to

regardless of whether you were the Golden Wolf or not! All you’ve ever done is ruin my family

shook my head. The security guards were already dragging Michael

the ground. He growled and snarled like a rabid animal, practically foaming at the mouth

wanting to refer to this monster as my own father anymore. “You’re not

his body shook. “You’ve

pathetic,” I said, pushing my sleeves up to my elbows. “I’m

wide. “What?” he

back, preparing myself to do what I should have done years beforehand as I curled my fingers into a fist

free and clear for me. They knew what

more as

pouring out of his nose. All of a sudden, I felt a hand on my arm and looked down to

that she was going to scold me for hitting my father,

pocket and gave it to me. “To wipe the

was still groaning over his broken nose. I watched in awe as she reached out and grabbed a handful of his

so you know, there has never been a single time in which I didn’t spit in your tea

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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