Chapter 291

Meamhile, Samson's priority was keeping the kidnappers calm.

It was the third call from them. "Mr. Lynch, surely, ammas wealthy as yourself can come up with such a small amount of money, right? It's been over two hours Dr, could it that you just don't care about your wile?"

Samson chuckled. "If I didn't care about my wife, I wouldn't be going through all this trouble for the money. If it were a bank transfer, you'd have it by now, but you wanted cash. "I'd have to go to every bank in Okrun, and even then, it might not be enough. The money will will get to you. As long as my wife is unharmed, I'll treat it like a donation to you." "You're quite generous, Mr. Lynch. And I'll say it again-as long as the money arrives, your wife will return to you sale and sound. If it doesn't, well, I'm sorry, but I've got a job to 1. do.

"My client wants me to kill her, but I want the money. If you ask me, this is a win-win deal for t

Before Samson could respond, the call abruptly ended

Just then, his phone rang again. "Mr. Lynch, we've arrived"

"The kidnappers called, too. From the sound of the background, it's an open space with a slight echo, so it's likely a factory or something similar Head toward those areas They re most likely in the outskirts"

the car Wiliam had prepared as she responded, "I know, I I just spoke

already on his way, and the team and police are closing in. We're heading there now. Wait for our

the purskirts, the deeper Luke went,

light. Thomy bushes crowded the path,

thorns, pressed on. Blood from his wounds stained the

abandoned factories, as the area was full of them. If he didn't search each one

minhan they had been tracking was abandoned nearby. The kidnappers knew it could be traced, so they'd ditched it.

has injuries, Loke

him deeper into

dirt, and a damp, moldy smell hung in the

entrance, he heard voices coming from

it's hard to gather cash. I'll give him one

think they

they involved the police, Linda's as good as dead. For people like them, human life is worth more than any amount of money. They'll

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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