She must take this slowly. Ethan nodded. “I can do that. Don’t worry, I’ll do my best. My mom will love you.” Josephine nodded. “I’ll try my best to keep this relationship alive.”

“You won’t try your best. You will keep this relationship alive, corrected Ethan. Josephine smiled. ‘Sure. You should go home now.” She stood outside her house and bade him goodbye, then she went back inside.

Donna was really mad. She had just arrived, and her son was already leaving her just to see a random woman. It hurt her heart. Jenna was sitting with her, trying to cheer her up as well as smearing Josephine..

humming of the engine woke his mother, then he came in through the side door. Just when he was about to enter the living room, he

tell Ethan to meet up with her, and at this hour too.” And then Ethan harrumphed. “Do not slander her,

her head. only to see Ethan standing at the doorway, and she got nervous. How long has

me, so I went to the bar and said hi,” said Ethan. He didn’t tell her he met

at this hour. Get to sleep,” Donna said. “Jenna, it’s late. You should catch

was that kind of woman, and thanks to that, Jenna’s lies failed to get through, so she went back to her room. Donna looked at her son. Not even a hint of alcohol from him. He lied. “So where did

talk. Since Jenna was jealous of Josephine, Ethan knew she would try to slander her as much as possible so Donna would think badly of Josephine, and he wanted to talk about

you come back?” Donn asked. Josephine told me to. She said you must be exhausted from the flight, so you need me,” said Ethan. Donna was a little surprised. Is that so? Well, she’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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