“W-Why do you have to speak so harshly? You’re cursing me, aren’t you?” Willow’s anger burned as she gritted her teeth and glared at him. At that moment, she observed Jasper driving the car through one road after another as if he had a destination.

“You don’t live here, do you?” she asked. curiously.

‘To a safe house,” he answered. “A safe house?” Willow blinked, and a flicker of thought crossed her mind. “Are you an undercover cop? Are you affiliated with Interpol?”

“No.” Jasper denied it directly. “No? Then, who exactly are you?” She persisted in her unyielding questioning.

“I already told you. I can’t reveal my identity, so stop asking.” With that, he abruptly clutched his chest. The steering wheel jerked in a different direction under his grip..

Willow was startled. She noticed him furrowing his brow,

shot the previous night! He had only just gotten out of bed today and had driven all the way

accelerator. Willow quickly grasped her seatbelt in fear. Is he trying to re-enact a scene from Fast and Furious? How can an injured man

to exit, only to collapse on the ground. Traces of blood stained his

to support him. However, her strength proved insufficient,

to reveal a fingerprint scanner. He pressed his finger. against it,

Willow finally grasped that this was the safe house as it exuded a sense

and the lights illuminated the room, it revealed a suite designed in a backroom style. It encompassed all the expected amenities, including a row of computers

aid kit? Let me bandage your wound!”

aid kit. Carrying it over to the couch where he was seated, she noticed him removing his shirt and the bloodstains from

the kit and instructed, “Lie down. I’ll stop the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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