“Until your father comes to pick you up, you must stay here and not go anywhere, Jasper ordered. “Why?” Willow couldn’t help but ask even though she would obediently follow his instructions.

He glanced at her with deep eyes while sighing helplessly. “It’s because my mission is to protect you.” She couldn’t help but chuckle. “I’m honored to – have you protect me!”

Jasper blinked his eyes, and in the dim light, Willow’s smile was as sweet as honey, like a delicate little princess. “Why are you here?’ he squinted and asked.

“I came here to vote, but the voting session is already over at this time, so I made this trip in vain,” she said somewhat dejectedly. But soon her eyes brightened up. “Though this trip wasn’t completely fruitless! At least I made a friend like you!”

refused. Willow blinked. “You despise me, huh?” “To become friends with me, you must have

play with and no other forms of entertainment, she began searching for something of interest in the safe house. However, she soon realized that there was nothing fun to do except for one living thing that caught her

are you? Are you married? Do

cheeks and curiously interrogated him. However, Jasper didn’t answer her. He kept his head lowered and was engrossed in checking his messages on his black phone. Willow pouted and frowned. “Why can you play

and stared at him with her beautiful eyes with puffed-out cheeks,

eyes were quite influential. She saw his eyebrows knit together, and he looked up as he locked his gaze with hers. Their eyes

bloomed on her lips. She looked somewhat smug as she gazed at Jasper. ‘Let’s both stop looking at our phones and chat together then!” He put down his phone and

days just staring at each other without saying anything? That would bore me to death.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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