However, Willow had a decent rest, particularly due to the fact that she had spent the past two days swamped in fear, and she soon dozed off.

In the quiet car, only the sound of Jasper tapping on his keyboard could be heard. However, half an hour later, a different noise sounded-the buzzing sound of a mosquito.

With his sharp hearing, he keenly noticed that the mosquito was buzzing by Willow’s neck. Unhesitatingly, he rose from his seat, using his phone to illuminate his surroundings as he searched for the mosquito.

Basked in the small beam of light, Willow’s delicate features came into view. The flashlight shone along the path of her neck, illuminating. her fair skin and dainty chin, and her flawless skin exuded a captivating scent.

As Jasper fixed his eyes on her, he found himself unable to avert his gaze, and his Adam’s apple involuntarily bobbed as he slowly. leaned in closer. Just then, the piercing light stirred Willow from her slumber, her eyes fluttering open before they widened in shock.

his large hand swiped in the direction of her hair, causing her

at his words that she finally noticed that there was a large mosquito on his palm. Instantly, Willow flushed red at the realization that

apologized, she reached out to scratch her neck, where there was a large bump as she had expected. The incessant itch caused her to claw at her skin relentlessly, and her neck was soon marred with scratch marks. At that sight, Jasper turned around and handed her the anti-itch spray. “Stop scratching. Put

time is it? Why haven’t you slept yet?” she asked. “It’s one in the morning,” he replied in his low voice,

bottle from her, she took another one for herself before lowering herself to the seat next

wounds. The sudden pain caused him to let out an uncontrollable hiss under his. breath. Willow hurriedly placed the bottle down and said, “How can you say that you’re fine? Let me take a

on his injuries, reached out to unfasten his buttons without a word.

my bodyguard now, I have to know if you’re capable of protecting me or not. Hurry up and let

he could only release her wrist and incline his body backward slightly, allowing her to unbutton his shirt. Willow made haste of his buttons with her slender fingers, unaware of the atmosphere. that had shifted in the midst of the silent night. On the contrary,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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